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Not far from him, in a half-reclining posture, was a general of the Afghans, also of the bodyguard of the Emperor. A hakeem, or physician, and an astrologer, both in the Moslem style of dress, were seated close together, legs crossed beneath them; while a little apart were two Hindus, as the caste marks on their foreheads showed, a tax-collector from the country and a kotwal, or city magistrate.

"He has no friends here," said the wicked Sadi; "if he were cast from his camel and left here to die, there would be none to inquire after his fate; for who cares what becomes of a dog of a kaffir?" I will not further repeat the cruel counsels of this bad man, but I will give the reason for the deadly hatred which he bore toward the poor hakeem.

"So that a man's life is an unsolvable riddle to all but himself," concurred the hakeem. "And not to be solved even by himself," remarked the Afghan with a laugh, half of bitterness, half of bravado. "We may know in our secret heart the motive that prompts to a deed, but we cannot tell the consequences of that deed as affecting even ourselves who wrought it.

"And the woman who struck the foul blow?" inquired the Afghan in an eager whisper. "The slave mother of the dead pretender. Well, she too had given her all for mother love. The tribesmen tore her limb from limb." And the hakeem pressed a hand to his eyes to shut out the memory of a dreadful scene.

At this moment the curtain of the pavilion was withdrawn, and there stood before them Fakredeen. The moment his eyes met those of Eva, he covered his face with both his hands. 'How is the Prince of Franguestan? inquired Amalek. The young Emir advanced, and threw himself at the feet of Eva. 'We must entreat the Rose of Sharon to visit him, he said, 'for there is no hakeem in Arabia equal to her.

"You slaves! Have I not bought you with money? Who are you that you dare call yourselves 'lords? Take care!" Then addressing the two I had met on the road, he said, "You are proud, are you? Slaves! Women! Rotten donkeys! you cover your heads, in my presence! Did you not see me? Did not the Hakeem keep his head uncovered? Poor men that I have made rich!"

And even now, after many years, I am on my way to pay a pilgrimage to the tombs of that truly noble man and his good aye, his worthy spouse, for, as I have said, let no man take upon himself to judge her. Allah alone can search the hearts of men." "Allah alone can search the hearts of men," said the hakeem, slowly and reflectively repeating the words with which the astrologer had closed his tale.

The Bedouins gathered round, and watched with keen interest the measures which were at once taken by the stranger hakeem to effect the cure of the lad. Yusef's success was beyond his hopes. The medicine which he gave afforded speedy relief from pain, and within an hour the young Bedouin had sunk into a deep and refreshing sleep.

The journey on foot was very exhausting to Yusef, who could scarcely sustain the weight of the helpless Sadi. Thankful was the Syrian hakeem when they reached the Bedouin tents. Then Sadi was placed on the mat which had served Yusef for a bed. Yusef himself passed the night without rest, watching at the sufferer's side. Most carefully did the hakeem nurse his enemy through a raging fever.

"'My name, O learned hakeem, is Malik Kafur, he began in the shrill treble voice I had anticipated, 'and you know why I come here. "As my knowledge had been taken for granted, I bowed in acquiescence. "'But her highness said that you would first of all show me her signet so as to prove that you are acting with her authority.