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Updated: October 8, 2024
"You'll come in and have a cup of tea with us, won't you, after we've lodged the Greeners?" said Hannah. "Now don't say no. It'll brighten up my father to see 'Reb Moshe's little girl." Esther tacitly assented. "I heard of all of you recently," she said, when they had hurried on a little further. "I met your brother at the theatre." Hannah's face lit up.
Tressady knew a good many of them by sight sullen, quick-eyed folk, who buy their "greeners" at the docks, and work them day and night at any time of pressure; whose workshops are still flaring at two o'clock in the morning, and alive again by the winter dawn; who fight and flout the law by a hundred arts, and yet, brutal and shifty as many of them are, have a curious way of winning the Gentile inspector's sympathy, even while he fines and harasses them, so clearly are they and their "hands" alike the victims of a huge world-struggle that does but toss them on its surge.
It was only a little April shower of tears, and soon she was smiling and running upstairs to give the half-sovereign to the Greeners. It would have been ungracious to return it to Malka, and she purchased all the luxury of doing good, including the effusive benedictions of the whole family, on terms usually obtainable only by professional almoners.
And he looked at a group of rough factory-girls beginning to scuffle with the young men near them, at the restless crowd of "greeners," at the women in the centre of the hall lifting puzzled faces to the speaker, as though in a pain of listening. Tressady nodded. In the struggle of devotion with a half-laughing annoyance he could only crave that the thing should be over.
The effect of this was twofold. It first assisted to draw to London numbers of continental Jews, who struggled as "greeners" under sweaters for six months, until they were qualified for assistance from the Jewish Board of Guardians. It then enabled them to set up as small masters, and sweat other "greeners" as they themselves were sweated.
"No, I'm not," faintly protested Esther "Yes, you are," said Hannah, smiling at the paradoxical denial. "But who'd have me? Ah, here are the Greeners!" and her smile softened to angelic tenderness.
Milly gave her a shilling, with a facetious grimace, and she rejoined Esther. "I'm collecting money for a poor family of Greeners just landed," she said. "They had a few roubles, but they fell among the usual sharks at the docks, and the cabman took all the rest of their money to drive them to the Lane.
'Where else? Here is a wide opening for a kosher restaurant. There are hundreds and hundreds of Greeners lodging all around poor young men with only a bed or a corner of a room to sleep on. They know not where to go to eat, and my wife, God be thanked, is a knowing cook. 'Oh, then, your restaurant is only an idea. 'Naturally a counsel that I have given myself.
The trade-unionists about the platform shouted or groaned in response. The masters round the door, with their "greeners," stood silent. "And about Wednesday in the third week," he went on, "he come to the master, and he says Isaac was older than me, and his chest it would be beginning to trouble him pretty bad, so he says: 'I'm done, he says; 'I must go home.
Later, his acquaintance with such representatives of the free people of color in Philadelphia as James Forten and his son-in-law, Robert Purvis, served but to confirm those first impressions which he received in Baltimore from the Watkinses and the Greeners. It was the same experience in New York and New Haven, in Boston and Providence.
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