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"About now he'll be eating grapefruit and poached egg," said the boy. "Don't he work none durin' the day?" The boy laughed good-humoredly. "He gets down about nine thirty, and when he don't go off somewheres he's mostly here till four except between one and two, when he's at lunch." "Gosh!" said Scattergood. "Must be wearin' him to the bone. 'Most five hours a day he sticks to it.

Michael's seeds would be all right if you desire to use sweet seedling stock. Grapefruit seedlings are good and quite widely used, though the general preference is for sour-stock seedlings. Acres of Oranges to a Man. In your opinion, is it possible for one man, of average strength, to take perfect care of a twenty-acre citrus orchard?

"You'll see it all to-day, so why do you want to read about it?" laughed a gay voice, and Eunice came in, all fluttering chiffon and ribbon ends. She took the chair Ferdinand placed for her, and picked up a spoon as the attentive man set grapefruit at her plate. The waitress was allowed to serve the others, but Ferdinand reserved to himself the privilege of waiting on his beloved mistress.

It fits in very nicely between the grapefruit and the bacon-and-eggs." "It is, also, powerful," she added, "and is said to be absolutely servile to corporate interests." "Drennie, you talk like an anarchist. You are rich yourself, you know." "And, against each of those other concerns, various charges have been made." "Well, what do you want me to do?"

He pronounced the coffee delicious, the grapefruit fixed to his liking, the toast crisp, and the eggs boiled just to the right consistency. "And have you had breakfast, Amarilly?" "Yes, Mr. Derry, at half past five." "Jiminy! you should be ready for another. Now talk to me while I eat. Tell me about your reverend friend who was so daffy on the subject of pockets. Has he located any yet?"

It was an expensive season for eggs, and Rosalie had her eye on a bit of old brocade which was to light a corner of her studio. She breakfasted contentedly on grapefruit, but Perry was rather silent, and I saw for the first time a shadow on his countenance. I wondered if for the moment his mind had wandered to the past, and to his mother's table, with Sunday waffles, omelet, broiled bacon.

He slid farther down upon his spine, pulled his nice new sombrero lower on the bridge of his tanned nose, and tried to forget that back there in the diner they would give him grapefruit on ice, and after that rolled oats with thick yellow cream, and after that ham and eggs or a tenderloin steak or broiled squab on toast; and tried to remember only that the check would make five dollars look sick.

You may have to do rebudding later, if you want to change varieties, and that is trouble enough. Do not rush at the beginning into all the difficulties there are. Grapefruit and Nuts. Peaches, pears and plums predominate in this section, but would not grapefruit, almonds and English walnuts be just as profitable? What is your idea about English walnuts on black walnut root?

"You see," Ted explained, spooning out grapefruit with an energetic hand, "father and mother and Steve and Rosy have gone to the country to a funeral a cousin of ours. Louis and Rob aren't home till night except Saturdays and Sundays, and Ruth is at school till Friday nights. It makes it sort of lonesome for me. Wednesdays, though, every other week, Rob's home all day.

"The strawberries are delicious," he said in honeyed tones. The man looked at the girl, a question in his eyes. "Not for me, dad," she said. "I hate them! Grapefruit, please." As the waiter hurried past, West hailed him. He spoke in loud defiant tones. "Another plate of the strawberries!" he commanded. "They are better than ever to-day."