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Take stools both of you, an' draw near the hearth. Here, Phelim," said the latter, "draw in an' sit beside myself." "Thank you kindly, Molly," replied Phelim; "but I'll do no sich thing.. Arrah, do you think, now, that I'd begin to gosther wid an ould woman, while I have the likes o' Peggy, the darlin', beside me? I'm up to a thrick worth nine of it. No, no; this chest 'll do.

At first the father was disposed to lose his temper; but on Phelim telling him he would bear no "gosther" on the subject, he thought proper to take it in good humor. About this time they had not more than a week's provision in the house, and only three shillings of capital.

Will you fight Barny Parrel wid one hand tied! I'd lick you myself! What's Greek for gosther?" with many other expressions of a similar stamp. "Sir," said Mat, "lave the justice of this in my hands. By the sowl of Newton, your own counthryman, ould Isaac, I'll flog the marrow out of them." "You have heard, Mr. Kavanagh," continued Mr.

What have you to say in it, you pittiogue?* Hould your whisht now, an' suck your dhudeen, I say; sure I allow you a quarther o' tobaccy a week, an' what right have you to be puttin' in your gosther when other people's spakin'?" * Untranslatable but means a womanly man a poor, effeminate creature. Farmer "Go an."

In regard of Peggy Donovan, I never spoke a word to the girl about marriage since I was christened. Saize the syllable! My father brought me down there to gosther awhile, the other night, an' Paddy sent away for whiskey. An' the curse o' Cromwell on myself! I should get tossicated.

'Well, whin he was come to himself agin, says Jerry to him quite an' asy: "Terence," says he, "don't be aggravatin' yourself," says he; "for I have a plan composed that 'ill make him spake out," says he, "an' tell what it is in the world he's wantin'," says he; "an' mind an' don't be comin' in wid your gosther, an' to say agin anything I tell you," says he, "but jist purtind, as soon as the bird is brought back," says he, "how that we're goin' to sind him to-morrow mornin' to market," says he.

"Here, Biddy," said Nancy, "bring that uncle of yours another pint; that's what he wants most at the present time, I'm thinking." Biddy, accordingly, complied with this. "Don't make me spake," continued Ned. "Come, Ned," she replied, "you've got a fresh pint now; so drink it, and give me no more gosther. "Shuid-urth!"* says Ned, putting the pint to his head, and winking slyly at the rest.

Why, I was goin' to bid you make up to her." "Give no gosther, Sam," replied Phelim, "but sind round the bottle, an' don't forget to let it come this way. I hardly tasted a dhrop to-night." "Oh, Phelim!" exclaimed Peggy. "Whisht!" said Phelim, "there's no use in lettin' the ould fellows be committin' sin. "Come, nabors," said Burn, "I'm the boy that's for close work. How does the match stand?

I served the black dog for five years, and a more infernal tyrant never existed, nor a milder or more amiable woman than his wife. Now that you have his money, the sooner the devil gets himself the better." "To the black diouol wid yourself an' your Englified gosther," returned Nell indignantly; "his wife! Damno' orth, don't make my blood boil by speaking a word in her favor.

"You suppose I am as I ought to be," he exclaimed, with a look of contempt; "why, thin, I suppose so too: in the mane time, an' before you bother me wid more gosther, I'd thank you to give me a drink o' whisky and wather for, to tell you the truth, blast me but I think there's a confligration on a small scale goin' an inwardly; hurry, boys, or I'll split.