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Any knowledge of what he praised, or why he praised it, was a slight superfluity of which he never felt the want. If Madonna had been a great astronomer, and had shown him pages of mathematical calculations, he would have overwhelmed her with eulogies just as glibly as by means of the finger alphabet he was overwhelming her now.

Mathilde, we know, was unhappy about the visits of the smart young lady who talked Shakespeare and the musical glasses so glibly, and who held her husband's hand as he lay on his mattress-grave, and wore a general air of providing him with that intellectual companionship which was so painfully lacking in his home.

I am, Sir, Yours obediently, AGATHA P. ROBINS. SIR, Surely "A Mad Englishman" and "Dorothy X.," who maintain so glibly that country life is more enjoyable than town life, fail to realise how much of our pleasure depends on human intercourse. It is given only to poets to talk with trees. Nor can ordinary mortals find

No one, I think, who really longs for truth, can ever glibly say which it will be for dog and man persistence or extinction of our consciousness. There is but one thing certain the childishness of fretting over that eternal question. Whichever it be, it must be right, the only possible thing. He felt that too, I know; but then, like his master, he was what is called a pessimist.

How little do the thousands of passengers who yearly go to and fro across the Atlantic know, or, indeed, care to know, that their comfort and the rate at which they travel through the water they who talk so glibly of making the passage in such and such a time, be the sea smooth or rough, and the wind fine or contrary that all this depends on the unceasing vigilance of the officers in charge of the vessel, in which they voyage!

Then I was robbed of my money." "How much?" asked Grant, curiously, for he didn't believe a word of it. "Eight dollars and thirty-three cents," replied Tom, glibly. "I thought you were too smart to be robbed," said Grant, slyly. "If it had been a green boy from the country like me, now, it wouldn't have been surprising." "I was asleep when I was robbed," explained Tom, hurriedly.

The skirmish was fierce but short, and by the time Don got to them, Miss Lady had restored the spoils to the lawful victor, and was assisting the vanquished foe to wipe the dust from his eyes. "Well, partner," said Donald to Chick, "what have you got to say to the young lady for taking your part?" "He ain't got nothin' to say," said Skeeter glibly. "He's dumb. Nobody but me can't understand him.

To play the part of a mere preacher to talk glibly, and with proper unction, in the stereotype phraseology of the profession was no difficult matter to a clever young lawyer of the West, having a due share of the gift of gab, and almost as profoundly familiar with scripture quotation as Henry Clay himself.

Allen being the only strong man left among its teachers, and, as I was to go to college, I was removed to a ``classical school. This school was not at first very successful. Its teacher was a good scholar but careless. Under him I repeated the grammatical forms and rules in Latin and Greek, glibly, term after term, without really understanding their value.

"Dolly's bringing your first course, sir." Billy gazed in perplexity at the half of a delicious grapefruit set before him by the duplicate of the pretty girl who stood smiling deprecatingly behind Caroline's chair. "Where's my soup, Dolly?" Billy asked with a thundering sternness of manner. "I'm sorry, sir," Dolly began glibly, "but the soup has given out.