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Is he providing already for his golden thumb? Lift up your heads; away with ambition, that fulsome complexion of a statesman, tempered, like Sylla's, with blood and muck.

Gabinius followed him into his writing-room, and there said with fulsome smoothness: "Ah, great Caesar, thus do the gods punish with a heavy hand the crimes of the guilty."

On the day, too, of the funeral, he had been obliged to make his first public oration a eulogy delivered in the Forum from the Rostra in which Drusus tried to pay a graceful but not fulsome tribute to the old eques, who had never distinguished himself in any way, except the making of money.

She had thanked Ulrich Stölle for it, in a pleasantly worded note. She had not dared express her full appreciation, lest she seem fulsome. Few men in her experience had sent her flowers. Never in all the years of her good friendship with Bruce McKenzie had he bestowed upon her a single bloom. Several days had passed, and there had been no answer to the note.

No one was surprised, when the Houses reassembled, to find that a bare majority of the Commons voted a fulsome address of confidence to the Lord Lieutenant. But this address, Speaker Ponsonby indignantly refused to present. He preferred resignation to disgrace, and great was the amazement and indignation when his friend, Mr.

She wished, for the first time since she reached Alexandria, that she could go dressed in the native costume of a Roman lady, She was going to enjoy the hospitality of a princess who was the successor of thirty odd dynasties of Pharaohs; who was worshipped herself as a goddess by millions of Egyptians; who was hailed as "Daughter of the Sun," and with fifty other fulsome titles; a princess, furthermore, who was supposed to dispose of the lives of her subjects as seemed right in her own eyes, without law of man or god to hinder.

"Let's try a shot, Uncle," she added, sensing deep water ahead. Indolently he picked up a .22 rifle, and rang the bell of her most difficult bull's-eye target eight shots out of ten. He paid her and seemed in nowise elated over her fulsome praise, designed to keep him shooting. He took up his long cane again. "I'll drift up the drag a ways," he said, "and see what's goin' on.

Carter had got possession of both hands and was murmuring fulsome flatteries when the sound of somebody pausing at the open door caused them to be hastily withdrawn. "Evening, Mr. Evans," said a young man, putting his head in. "Why, halloa! Bert! Well, of all the " "Halloa!" said Mr. Carter, with attempted enthusiasm, as he rose from his chair.

On hearing this, the Count and his family followed by a crowd of servants rushed out of the château and gathered on an immense peristyle. When I mounted the steps, he advanced towards me with arms outstretched to embrace me, and declaimed in theatrical tones a most fulsome welcome.

"I think a sneeze must revivify the brain wonderfully, for he made rapid progress, and then we tried friction, and he got well very quick. Indeed, as he had nothing the matter with him, except being dead, he got ridiculously well, and began paying us fulsome compliments, the doctor and me. "So then we handed him to his joyful wife. "They talk of crying for joy, as if it was done every day.