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"I don't 'suppose' anything about it, I know," said the Harvester. "It is not possible that the public can be any more tired of wild roses, golden-rod, and swallows than the poor art editors who accept them because they can't help themselves. Dangle something fresh and new under their noses and see them snap.

Involuntarily the Frenchman looked behind him, expecting a fresh adversary from that quarter. As he turned his head Keene sprang forward, and plucked the parasol from his grasp: in one second he had laid it lightly in its owner's hand; in the next he had returned to his position, and stood, ready for the onset, motionless as the marble Creugas. He had not long to wait.

Morning found all the passengers up and expectant. Someone questioned the captain, and he said we would land to-morrow. There was another long day, and another sleepless night, but when these ended at last, how busy we were! First we packed up all the things we did not need, then put on fresh clothing, and then went on deck to watch for land.

The cruiser, a large full-rigged corvette, was coming up hand over hand, carrying a strong breeze, and the days of the 'D n' seemed numbered, when C tried a ruse worthy of any of the heroes of naval history. The wind, as I said, was very fresh, with a good deal of sea running. On came the cruiser till the 'D n' was almost under her bows, and shortened sail in fine style.

As we rode up to him, he said, "Wal, boys, here's game, sartin sure." "What is it, Jerry?" inquired Hal. "What is it? Why, a fresh Comanche trail; and 'tain't no war party, neither, for they've got their lodges with 'em." "How do you know that?" inquired Ned." "How do you know you're settin' on that horse?" asked Jerry. "Why, I know one just ez well ez you know t'other.

He could detect no trace of emotion in himself, and the final effect of a staggering event was that, unnoticed and apart from the noisy crowd of boys, he exulted with fresh certitude in his avidity for adventure, and in a sense of many-sided courage. After two years of training he went to sea, and entering the regions so well known to his imagination, found them strangely barren of adventure.

In fact, he did not even notice when his thoroughly offended partner left the car, so intent was he in following the subtly thrilling train of thought which tantalized him, mocked him, led him nowhere, yet always lured him to fresh endeavor of memory. Where had all this occurred before? When?

In about an hour, and not sooner, the water began to come dropping through the bottom of the bag, and, to our great surprise, was perfectly fresh and sweet, and this continued for several hours; but in the end the water began to be a little brackish. When we told him that, "Well, then," said he, "turn the sand out, and fill it again."

This occupation gave him a fresh lease of patience, and he now lived only to watch for the visitors' days, and scan the faces that swept by him like stars seen and lost in the rifts of a hurrying sky. Mostly, these faces were strange and less intelligent than those of his companions.

And when did you get the good news? 'I have had many doubts in my mind for a long time, he said, 'and have watched and prayed long, and listened for the word that was to come; and the end of it is that I have at length heard the news that makes the soul rejoice, even for the heathen, the boy Warrigal, who will be waiting outside these walls with fresh horses.