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Your letter was handed to me in the Governor's private office and both he and I saw what a help it would be to have you here when this Frenchie who is a Count Something or Other and his servants and secretaries, what he calls his suite, arrive. By George, sir, we need your advice in eating and drinking them!

He sees no great gulf between officer and enlisted man which the British service persists to set up between officers and enlisted men. Hop to it, now Frenchie, you surely can sling 'em. We need a whole lot from your 75's. We are guarding your guns, do not fear for the flanks. Just send that barrage to the Yanks at the front. And how they do send it.

Lieutenant Underhill got up and proposed his health; the toast was drunk in wine, beer, and water, and some wild dogs that had been allured from the forest by the glare fled howling when the mariners raised their lusty voices to the tune of "For he's a jolly good fellow." Nor was Rodier forgotten. Tom Smith called for the honours for him also; he was acclaimed in shouts of "Good old Frenchie!"

Blob dropped his voice to a mysterious whisper. "Squoire Nabowlin. Mus. Poiper tall me." "Who?" "Squoire Nabowlin," reiterated the boy. "Nabowlin Bounabaardie the top Frenchie. See the legs on him! red and gold and buttons and all." The Gentleman was sauntering across the grass towards the cottage, his hands behind him. The Parson brushed aside the mattress, and thrust out, snarling.

Why, he talks English as good as you and me. That's another thing about these frawgs they can all parlez-vous any language. I never yet seen a Frenchie I couldn't talk to yet." "Did you ever see anybody you couldn't talk to yet, Steve?" suggested the chief yeoman. "Here, you, how d'ya get that way? Who was it I seen th' other night out walking in the Boy de Bullone with a skirt?

"He must have had another shot of dope," mused the colonel. "I'll have to keep an eye on you, my Frenchie, else you may be ramming a stone wall when you're feeling pretty well elated." They were half way to the home of Captain Poland when Viola suddenly changed her mind. "I I don't believe I care to go to see him," she said. "Can't you go without me, Colonel Ashley?

"Oi thart oi yerd a Frenchie in the bar'l," said Blob in the slow and undulating voice of Sussex. "Oi went fur to fetch un out, when a tarrabul great oarse-fly settled on ma butt-end and stung her." "It was no horse-fly," replied the Parson. "It was my dear lady. Now, don't bother to think of any more lies, my lad, but just take that lantern from the wall, and go below.

You have the knack of it, you Britons. Sometimes I doubt whether we shall ever learn it." "Don't say 'we," cried Arthur. "You are more than half an Englishman already, and we will teach you to be one of us before we have done. You neither look nor speak nor act like a Frenchie.

"He's very ugly, le m'sieur doctaire; if he was fine to behold it would be well. And what said he of the child? That at home she could not remain? If they do away take her M'sieur Harry will weep his fine eyes out." "Oh, you little Frenchie!" exclaimed the butler with a jolly laugh, "you get things mixed.

And here it might be explained that 'Britisher' includes anything from the British Isles, 'Yankee' anything flying the Stars and Stripes, 'Frenchie' anything hailing from France, 'Dago' anything from Italy, Spain, or Portugal, and 'Dutchman' anything manned by Hollanders, Germans, Norsemen, or Finns, though Norwegians often get their own name too.