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If anybody thought of Miss Gwynne, it was to comment loudly on her conduct in leaving her home, because her father chose to marry again, and lowering herself and her position by going to reside with her former governess, the wife of a curate in the East End of London. Some few sympathised with her, but the greater number laughed at Mr Gwynne, admired Lady Nugent's tact, and blamed Freda.

We have strength given us that makes the single champion of the cross, powerful against the legion of his adversaries. 'Very well said, nephew, broke in the vicar, 'Marathon, Thermopylæ, Platea 'I am afraid we are keeping you from your dinner, Mrs Prothero, interrupted Mr Gwynne, who had a nervous dread of the vicar's antiquities, whether in war or peace. 'Freda, I think we must go.

The odd woman who had met Freda at the country junction had shown, by her questions, that she knew much about the disputed property. And her manner had been, in a way, rather threatening. It was too unusual to have been accidental, at any rate. But Freda had reached home in safety.

The exultant joy engendered by a sense of freedom had lasted for several hours. Anthony had laughed and sung aloud and shouted for joy in the shady alleys of the garden, amid all the blissful sights and sounds of springtide. He had wandered there with Freda beside him in a sort of trance of happiness, in which all else had been forgotten.

She wrote a note, addressed it to the man in question, and intrusted it to a messenger who lay in wait at the mouth of Bonanza Creek. Another man, bearing a note from Freda, also waited at that strategic point. So it happened that Floyd Vanderlip, riding his sled merrily down with the last daylight, received the notes together. He tore Freda's across. No, he would not go to see her.

"Yes," nodded Freda, her color heightening. "It began, 'We, the undersigned, I can't recall the exact words, but it was an agreement not to accept an invitation from any one of you to the dance or to notice you throughout the year, because of the discourteous and hateful way you had treated a member of the freshman class. There were " "How perfectly disgraceful!" burst indignantly from Judith.

Another figure slim and graceful, clad in long yellow oilskin coat, and a sou'wester which could not confine a tangled fringe of wind-blown hair left the shelter of the after-companionway and sped along the alley to the mate's side. "The foot-rope, Mr. Adams," she said hurriedly. "The seizing was chafed, you remember." "By George, Miss Freda!" said the officer. "Forgot all about it.

As sunlight casts shadows, happiness, too, throws a shadow, an the shadow is sadness. "And so the morning wore away until Freda came with a cool-looking hamper. Then delicious cold fowl and lettuce sandwiches and champagne cup set our tongues wagging as only very young tongues can wag. Daisy went back with Freda after luncheon, leaving me a case of cigars, with a bantering smile.

"All right, let it affect his heart then!" said the twenty-year-old Freda hardily.

"None too soon!" gasped Cora, pressing her arms around the wet oilskin coat. "See where they have gotten to now!" The boats had drifted apart again. The girls clung to Freda as if she had really brought them safely to shore, instead of adding her own weight to their burden, but it was the message from land that reassured them. "Isn't it dreadful!" moaned Lottie, still trembling from her collapse.