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Updated: January 25, 2025
'Do you think, said Mrs Prothero, addressing Gladys, 'that you could manage to help in the harvest; My husband says he will employ you, if you can. 'Oh, thank you, my lady! I would do my best, and if I could only stay here longer under any circumstances I should oh, be so thankful! This was said with much hesitation.
The stranger laughed, and said he thought the world would be very disagreeable without the fair sex, and that he had no doubt Mr Prothero would find it so if they became suddenly extinct. The farmer was so pleased with his new acquaintance that when they reached the Park gate, he said very heartily,
Oh, anwyl! my boy! my Howels! What 'ould his poor father be saying if he was knowing all! and how his money was going and all mine too! I shall be going to the Eunion, and then you'll be feeling satisfied, Rowland Prothero! and your mother, and that Gladys, and all so grand! 'll be looking down upon me. And my Howels over the sea!
Mrs Prothero and Mrs Jenkins left the room, followed by Gladys, who was soon making the required beverage. Whilst congratulations were still going on in the parlour, Miss Gwynne's voice was heard in the passage. 'Not a word to Miss Gwynne, or indeed to any one, of my having the living, to-day at least, said Rowland, leaving the room hastily, and repeating his request to Gladys in the hall.
Owen did his father's bidding, but returned exclaiming, 'She is up and out of her room. There must be something wonderful to make her go out before breakfast. 'Such a lovely morning, said Mrs Prothero, 'I daresay she is in the garden. 'Well, let her find her way in, said the farmer; 'she knows the hour, and we'll fall to. Say grace, mother, if you please.
Owen, I wish you'd just look out and see after that idle slut Netta. Off started Owen with a piece of bread and butter in his hand. 'Mother, why don't you make that girl more regular? asked Mr Prothero. 'Oh, David! you know she doesn't mind me. 'Then you should make her. Mrs Prothero could have said, 'You should have helped me to make her all her life, but she refrained.
'I'm sure I scarcely know whether she will behave rightly, muttered Miss Gwynne, tapping her hand with her riding-whip. Mrs Prothero soon appeared. 'You good, clear Mrs Prothero! exclaimed Miss Gwynne, running up to her and taking both her hands. 'You look quite worn out. How is that poor girl? 'Alive, Miss Gwynne, and that is almost all, was the reply very gravely uttered.
But speaking with some special knowledge, I should say that on the whole the people who are on the top of things OUGHT to be on the top of things. I agree with Aristotle that there is such a thing as a natural inferior." "So far as I can understand Mr. Prothero," said Lady Marayne, "he thinks that all the inferiors are the superiors and all the superiors inferior. It's quite simple...."
'Certainly, was the reply. 'But had we not better all go? asked Miss Hall, casting an entreating glance upon Freda, who, however, would not see it. 'I think not. Mrs Prothero is so nervous that we should frighten her to death. It will take me five minutes to run down the hill, five minutes to say my say, and five to get to the waterfall.
He was struggling strenuously with the obscurities of the language in which these things were being discussed about him, a most difficult language demanding new sets of visual images because of its strange alphabet. Is it any wonder that for a time he failed to observe that Prothero was involved in some entirely disconnected affair.
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