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Fraulein Ellrich hung on his words in astonishment, while her parents calmly went on eating their fish. "So," went on Wilhelm, speaking chiefly to his opposite neighbor, "so, I tried when I drew or painted to reproduce nature with the greatest truth; but at a certain point I became conscious of a perception that a hidden meaning in an unintelligible language lay written there.

He looked completely insignificant. Ursula and Gudrun, both very unused, were mostly silent, listening to the slow, rhapsodic sing-song of Hermione, or the verbal sallies of Sir Joshua, or the prattle of Fraulein, or the responses of the other two women.

It is my belief, went on Jill, 'that Fräulein always has a headache when she has a novel to finish. Mamma does not like her to set me an example of novel-reading, so she is obliged to lock herself in her own room. I took no notice of this statement, as I rather leaned to this view of the subject myself.

Heretofore the concrete which was available for this purpose required at least a fortnight of exposure before it was sufficiently firm and hardened; but when Fraulein Bertha Krupp's engineers escorted the Fraulein's newest and most impressive steel masterpiece to the war, they brought along with them the ingredients for a new kind of concrete; and those who claim to have been present on the occasion declare that within forty-eight hours after they had mixed and molded it, it was ready to bear the weight of the guns and withstand the shock of their recoil.

Then she said, "It is so nice, when you stay a little," and when he told her of the poor Fraulein who had broken the dishes in her fall near them, she almost wept with tenderness; she almost winked with wickedness when he asked if the American princess was still in her place. "Do go and see who it can be!" Mrs. March entreated. "We'll wait here," and he obeyed.

And did she return your affection?" "We have known each other only since yesterday, Fraulein von Hoogstraten." "Pardon me! But if you value my desire, we shall not have seen each other for the last time, though my double is undoubtedly a different person from the one I supposed. Farewell till we meet again. You hear, that calling never ends.

Oh, that's all right it's only the stupid old mantelpiece I always go into that it sticks out so doesn't it? It is hard rather!" Dolly was a flyer and no mistake. I was brought to a standstill at last by colliding with Thomas's Fraulein. "It's all right," said Dolly generously, "you didn't hurt us!" Fraulein was hurled on to a sofa and made no remark.

"A moment ago we were here, good friends, and " suddenly an idea occurred to him. "Some one has told you that I played at the Museum, the Dime Museum. Ah, is that Indeed so terrible? I do not play there from choice, believe me, dear dear Fräulein! It is poverty." "Yes, yes; I know, I know!" cried Hélène. She was nearly frantic now.

Her mother pushed her back violently. "Not a step farther; you have no right to go near him, you are his murderess. On your head will fall the guilt, if these dreadful scenes should cause his death." "No, no, the general will not die quite yet," said Trude busying herself about his arm-chair. "But, Fraulein, you have got something else to do than stay here.

'The three witches from Macbeth, suggested Fraulein usefully. It was finally decided to do Naomi and Ruth and Orpah. Ursula was Naomi, Gudrun was Ruth, the Contessa was Orpah. The idea was to make a little ballet, in the style of the Russian Ballet of Pavlova and Nijinsky. The Contessa was ready first, Alexander went to the piano, a space was cleared.