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When she had gone I cried like anything and Madame Arnau asked: Why, what's the matter? and the other girls said: In arithmetic she had Unsatisfactory but she can really do her sums awfully well. Then Madame said: "You'll soon wipe off that Unsatisfactory." October 30th. To-day I had a frightful bother with Fraulein Vischer in the history lesson.

And when he did this Jacqueline with rapture saw the painter's face, no longer with its scowl, but softened by some secret influence, the lines smoothed from his brow, while the beautiful smile which had fascinated so many women passed like a ray of light over his expressive mobile features; then she would once more fancy that he was making love to her, and indeed he said many things, which, without rousing in himself any scruples of conscience, or alarming the propriety of Fraulein Schult, were well calculated to delude a girl who had had no experience, and who was charmed by the illusions of a love-affair, as she might have been by a fairy-story.

A few hours before the nocturnal burial of old Fraulein Van Hoogstraten, Herr Matanesse Van Wibisma and his son Nicolas appeared before the city, but were refused admittance by the men who guarded the gates, although both appealed to their relative's death. Henrica's father did not come, he had gone several days before to attend a tourney at Cologne.

Winterfeld once home, and the King's consent had, the Fraulein applied to Princess Elizabeth for leave of absence: 'A few months, to see my friends in Deutschland, your Highness! Princess Elizabeth looked hard at her; answered evasively this and that.

Henrica drew a long breath, then continued: "And now you are rushing out into the world to forget her?" "No, Fraulein." "Then tell me why you have fled from Leyden?" "To find an end that becomes a soldier." Henrica advanced close to his side, exclaiming so scornfully, that it cut Georg to the heart: "So it has grasped you too! It seizes all: Knights, maidens, wives and widows; not one is spared.

"I can well believe," whispered Giurgenow, "that you would be pleased to humble the beautiful Fraulein von Marshal?" "Ah, my friend," said Ranuzi, laughing, "you touch the wound of our poor friend.

They are English milords, and are anxious to assist local musical talent; and I have thought of you, Fräulein, as a performer on the violin, and I went to-day to Miss Drechsler to ask her to give you leave to go." "And what did she say?" asked the child eagerly. "How could I go so far away?"

All my pocket money had been spent on it, and as bulbs were dear and my weekly allowance small, in a fatal hour I had borrowed from Fraulein Wundermacher, selling her my independence, passing utterly into her power, forced as a result till my next birthday should come round to an unnatural suavity of speech and manner in her company, against which my very soul revolted.

"How delightful it must be to whirl around so!" "Will you not try it with me, Fraulein Carmen?" he urged pleadingly. "I cannot dance; at least, not like that!" she returned, turning her beaming countenance towards him. "Oh, it is very easily learned; just trust yourself to my guidance.

No, it could not be and yet the features of the young officer were identical with those of Fraulein Kircher, the German spy he had seen at German headquarters the night he took Major Schneider from under the nose of the Hun general and his staff. Beyond the last line of sentinels Tarzan moved quickly in the direction of Numa, the lion.