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Our notes a'n't appreciated by the public. But maybe God thinks about as much of the real ginowine hootin' of a owl as he does of the highfalugeon whistlin' of a mockin'-bird all stole from somebody else. An' ef my varses is kinder humbly to hear, anyway they a'n't made like other folkses; they're all of 'em outen my head sech as it is."

Dey wasnt teached manners and 'havior in odder folkses houses like what I war." When Aunt Mollie learned that it was to hear her story of how she was trained in manners end behaviorism, that the visitor had come, and to hear something of her recollections of slave days, her belligerent mood vanished.

"Wa'al" he made another effort "Tobe, we war jes sayin', ain't fitten fur ter be ranger o' the county. He be ez peart in gittin' ter own other folkses' stray cattle ez he war in courtin' other folkses' sweetheart, an', ef the truth mus' be knowed, in marryin' her." He suddenly twisted round, in some danger of falling from his perch.

He said they give licenses now to steal steal folkses senses away, and then they could steal everything else, and murder and tear round into every kind of wickedness. But he didn't ask that. He wanted things done fair and square: he jest wanted to steal horses.

And Josiah said "he guessed I wouldn't git into any trouble with Columbus about it, after he'd been dead four hundred years." "Wall," sez I, "I don't spoze I would, but I d'no but folkses feelin's can be hurt if their bodies have moved away from earth. I d'no anything about it, nor you don't, Josiah Allen." "Wall," he said, "he wouldn't be afraid to venter it."

"Well, 'tain't no use fur nobody to be poutin' an' sullin'. 'Tain't gwine do 'em no good. 'Tain't gwine budge me nary hair's brea'th frum whut I considers to be my plain duty. Ef folkses don't lak it so much de wuss fur dem, present company not excepted. Dat's my say an' I done said it!" And out of the room she marched with her head held defiantly high. That night there were callers.

We ain't got to heaven yet, and in this world o' woe folks don't go and spend a big lot o' money just to make it easier fur the folks that's under 'em 'tisn't nater." "It mayn't be your nater, nor mine, but it may be some folkses. Well, argy as you may, the place don't look the same, now does it? D'ye mind the houses they've finished off?

'He wouldn't favour YOU much, said the groom sourly; 'too 'andsome. The coachman pretended not to hear. He said: 'Wonder at her now I do really! Hates kids. Got none of her own, and can't abide other folkses'. The children, crouching in the white dust under the carriage, exchanged uncomfortable glances.

What are you doing out here at this time of night?" "Mornin', arn't it, sir? Same as you, I s'pose. Who was to stop in bed with press-gangs coming and dragging folkses off to sea?" "Then you heard them?" "Heerd 'em, yes, sir! I was that feared o' being took myself that I got into hiding." "You were not fighting, then?" "Me? Fight? Not me! I lay low and listened."

"An' air it folkses ez live underground like foxes an' sech!" Rick exclaimed, astonished, as he came upon a large, irregularly shaped rift in the rocks, and heard the same reeling voice from within, beginning to sing once more. But for this bacchanalian melody, the noise of Rick's entrance might have given notice of his approach.