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Updated: January 14, 2025

I shall keep this, I think, as a companion to 'The old maid's credential card." "Are you in the habit of keeping other folk's property?" inquired Chip, with some acerbity. "Nothing but personal caricatures and hearts, perhaps," returned the Little Doctor, sweetly. "I hardly think your collection of the last named article is very large," retorted Chip.

Remote from the manners and the sights of the street, here are we secure against most of the pains which come of the contemplation, casual or intimate, of other folk's sufferings. No hooded ambulance moves joltlessly, tended by enwrapt bearers, on pathless way; no formal procession paces from the house of death to the long last home.

The Compound sighed pityingly, and said no more. "Git 'em all shapes in this world, don't ye?" said Poney, "that's Mass'chusetts all over. They half start, an' then they stick on a dead-centre, an' blame it all on other folk's ways o' treatin' them. Talkin' o' Boston, Comanche told me, last night, he had a hot-box just beyond the Newtons, Friday.

At half-past eight, when it had grown almost dark, Isaac descended the hill. John opened the door to his knock. "Good evenin', Isaac. Yer'll take it, will yer?" "If you can't do nothin' better with it," said Isaac, unwillingly. "But in gineral I'm not partial on keeping other folk's money." John liked him all the better for his reluctance. "It'll give yer no trouble," he said.

"And, goodness me, Nan!" sighed Bess, as they went out of the cluttered studio, back through the passage, and so into the courtyard and the street again. "Goodness me! I think we have the greatest lot of other people's worries on our shoulders that I ever heard of. We seem to collect other folk's troubles. How do we manage it?"

The Bailie put on his spectacles to examine the mechanism, and when he had done, returned it with a smile and a sigh, observing "Ah! Rob, had ither folk's purses been as weel guarded, I doubt if your sporran wad hae been as weel filled as it kythes to be by the weight."

"Well, he should look what he's doin' an' no' put on other folk's claes," and immediately the others burst out laughing, for this advocate of "watchin' what he was doin'" had in his half sleepy condition failed to see that he had lifted his jacket and had rammed his leg down the sleeve in his hurry and anger. "Noo, that'll do," said Geordie, as John flung the jacket at Robert, because he laughed.

However any signs of satisfaction would have seemed singular under the circumstances, and so he sulkily replied: "A glass of wine! you had better say two." "Well, I'll say a whole bottleful, my boy, if that suits you any better," replied the servant, with the charming good-nature so often displayed by people who are giving other folk's property away. "Then I'm at your service!" exclaimed Chupin.

I'm set to keep folk's feet off the cold and wet earth, and stones and broken glass; for however much a man may be an astronomer and look up at the sky, he must touch the earth with some part of him, and generally does so with his feet." "And God sets you to do it, Hector?" "Yes. It's the way He looks after people's feet. He's got to look after everything, you know, or everything would go wrong.

And when the pair came out and stood in the porch, with their following behind, the onlookers greeted them with shouts and cheers just as at fine folk's weddings in the great cities, declared those who knew. The bridegroom was happy and well he might be, with such a bride. And the bride, too, was happy as well she might be after waiting all those years.

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