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Thus began the Tákwá mines, where, by a kind of irony of Fate, the beginner was buried. M. Bonnat wisely intended to open operations with wet-working. At Axim I was shown a model flume, made to order after the plans of a M. Boisonnet, or, as he signs himself, 'boisonnet. He was reported to be a large landed-proprietor who had made a fortune by mining in French Guiana.

Leonidas W. H'm, Reverend Le well, there was a feller here once by the name of JIM Smiley, in the winter of '49 or maybe it was the spring of '50 I don't recollect exactly, somehow, though what makes me think it was one or the other is because I remember the big flume warn't finished when he first come to the camp; but anyway, he was the curiosest man about always betting on anything that turned up you ever see, if he could get anybody to bet on the other side; and if he couldn't he'd change sides.

Leading the way, and keeping in the shadows as much as possible, Jack went to where two planks, each about seven feet long, lay near the boarded race. "We'll float down the sluiceway to freedom!" he cried, as he placed the plank on the edge of the flume. Nat did likewise, and, when Jack climbed over into the big oblong box, his companion followed.

He helped her up the bank, making way for her in the chaparral, and tearing away the tangled ropes of the wild-grape vines. "Tell your father not to send you above the camp again," he said gently, when she was safe in the path; "one of the men will go down with the tools." Melissa stood beside the flume a moment, irresolute. Her sunbonnet had fallen back a little, disclosing her rustic prettiness.

This which me makes to believe that it was the one or the other, it is that I shall remember that the grand flume is not achieved when he arrives at the camp for the first time, but of all sides he was the man the most fond of to bet which one have seen, betting upon all that which is presented, when he could find an adversary; and when he not of it could not, he passed to the side opposed.

But once water was brought through the underground course, and piped to a reservoir, whence it could be distributed to drinking troughs for the cattle, and also used to irrigate the land, it enabled a fine crop of fodder to be grown. With the bringing of the water to Buffalo Wallow, or Flume Valley, as Bud called the place, it was possible to do what had never been done before raise cattle there.

Surprised, they ceased their paddling for a moment and looked over to where she stood. To their amazement and Little Tim's horror, the girl, barefoot and bare-armed, and clad in a light calico frock, gave a laugh and dived into the stream. A moment more, she reappeared a few feet from the boom, and was unmistakably heading for the swift water beyond running down to the flume.

The second thing he explained as Argyl walked with him to the dam across Deep Creek. He showed her the accomplished work, showed her the deep, wide flume, and as they stood upon the dam itself pointed out an intricate set of levers controlling the great gates.

You will find a little package of food at the end of the mill flume. I'll leave you this canteen so you may carry water with you on your journey toward your own lines. Your way lies there," and he pointed to the south. "Good-bye and good luck! I hope you may get through, but " Then, turning abruptly he strode off between two high grassy hummocks, and was soon lost to sight in the smoke and haze.

"The' was a big spill up to the Devil's Gate, one o' them places back there where the flume hangs onto the side o' the cliff, about half a mile above the bottom o' the gulch, an' Jud Brusie an' all hands has to work there three days an' nights ter git things straightened out.