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"An' ye war full willin," said Mrs. Brusie, in irritation, "though ye knowed that thar guerilla, Ackert, hed been movin' heaven an' earth ter overhaul Tolhurst's command before they could reach the main body. An' hyar they war cotched like a rat in a trap."

"Nuthin' would do Ethelindy," her granny lifted an accusatory voice, still knitting briskly, though she looked rebukingly over her spectacles at the cowering girl, "when that thar Union dee-tachmint rid into Tanglefoot Cove like a rat into a trap " "Yes," interposed Mrs. Brusie, "through mistakin' it fur Greenbrier Cove."

Ethelinda Brusie glanced quickly, furtively, at his pondering, wrinkled old face under the broad brim of his white wool hat, which he still wore, though indoors and with the night well advanced. Then she fixed her anxious, excited blue eyes once more on the flare of the fire.

"I dun'no' how fur smallpox kin travel an' it jes' mulls and mulls in ye afore it breaks out don't it, S'briny?" "Don't ax me," said Mrs. Brusie, with a worried air. "I ain't no yerb doctor, nor nurse tender, nuther. Ethelindy is beyond my understandin'." She was beyond her own understanding, as she sat weeping slowly, silently.

"They tuk a short cut through the Cove they warn't in it a haffen hour," stipulated the prudent miller. "They came an' went like a flash. Nobody seen 'em 'cept the Brusies, kase they went by thar house an' ef they hed hed a guide, old Randal Brusie would hev named it." "Ackert 'lows he'll hang the guide ef he ketches him," said the blacksmith, in a tone of awe.

"Nobody comes nor goes ter that place hell itself ain't so avoided," said Mrs. Brusie, her forehead corrugated with sudden recurrence of anxiety. "Nobody else in this world would have resked it, 'ceptin' that headin' contrairy gal, Ethelindy Brusie." "I never resked nuthin," protested Ethelinda.

"The' was a big spill up to the Devil's Gate, one o' them places back there where the flume hangs onto the side o' the cliff, about half a mile above the bottom o' the gulch, an' Jud Brusie an' all hands has to work there three days an' nights ter git things straightened out.

A little on the strawbary-blonde, but not too much red in her hair, an' yet spunky as a badger when yeh teased her. "The boys down this way didn't have much show. It looked like Jess had hit it off with Jud Brusie, a big, husky, clean-lookin' chap up to the h'ist.