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Updated: August 26, 2024

The dogs followed, and Mary from the other side of the stream watched the little procession, Calvin in the lead with the load, the Judge straight and slim with his fluff of white hair, the three little dogs paddling on their short legs. "Judge Bannister of Huntersfield," said Mary Flippin. Then she raised Fiddle high in her arms. "Say Granddad, Fiddle," she whispered, "say Granddad."

"When he comes back," the Judge told Mary, "he must show the stuff he is made of. I can't have him selling cars around the county like Randy Paine." "Well, Randy has sold a lot of them," said Mary. "Father has given him an order " "You don't mean to gay that Bob Flippin is going to buy a car " "He is." "He didn't dare tell me," the Judge said; "what's he going to do with his horses?"

His orders kept him in New York, and he wanted me to come. But I wouldn't. I made him ask his mother. I could spare him for three weeks, he will be mine for the rest of his life and he is to tell her before they get here." "I wouldn't have had it happen for a thousand dollars," said troubled Bob Flippin. "I've always done everything on the square with the Judge."

"And I am a grandmother, Becky. Mrs. Flippin and I are grandmothers " She said it with a sort of bitter mirth. "What did Grandfather say?" "I left him raging. It was very hard on me. I had hoped he would make it easy. He declares that Mary Flippin shan't step inside of his front door. That he is going to recall all the invitations that he had sent out for to-night.

Having ascertained that Dalton would be over at once, the nurse was called, and Madge was made ready. It was a rather high-handed proceeding, and both Mrs. Flippin and the nurse stood aghast. The nurse protested. "You really ought not, Miss MacVeigh." "I love to do things that I ought not to do." "But you'll tire yourself." "If you were my Mary," said Mrs.

Three generations of Flippins had been small farmers on rented lands. They had no coats-of-arms or family trees. They were never asked to dine with the Paines or Bannisters, but there had been always an interchange of small hospitalities, and much neighborliness, and as children Mary Flippin, Randy and Becky and Truxton had played together and had been great friends.

The Flippin farmhouse was wide and rambling. It had none of the classic elegance of the old Colonial mansions, but it had a hall in the middle with the sitting-room on one side and on the other an old-fashioned parlor with a bedroom back of it.

Flippin entered just then with a tall pitcher of lemonade and a plate of delicate cakes. "I think Miss MacVeigh is looking mighty fine," she said, "don't you, Major?" He would not have dared to tell how fine she looked to him. He limped across the room with the plate of cakes, and poured lemonade into a glass for Madge. Her eyes followed his strong soldierly figure.

Flippin," said Madge, "I wish you'd call up Hamilton Hill and ask for Mr. Dalton, and tell him that Miss MacVeigh would like to have him come and see her if he has nothing else on hand." Mrs. Flippin looked her astonishment. "To-night?" "Oh, I am not going to receive him this way," Madge reassured her. "If he can come, I'll get nurse to dress me and make me comfy in the sitting-room."

"I am going to stay here as long as you will let me," she said to Mrs. Flippin; "you will tell me if I am in the way " Mrs. Flippin adored Madge. "It is like having a Princess in the house," she said, "only she don't act like a Princess." The Major came over every afternoon. Kemp drove him, as a rule, in the King's Crest surrey. If the little man missed Dalton's cars, he said no word.

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