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There came to Huntersfield the next morning at about the same moment, Kemp in his little car with a small parcel for Becky, and Calvin with a big box from the express office. Becky was in her room at breakfast when Calvin brought the boxes up to her. It was a sunshiny morning, and the Judge had gone a-fishing with Mr. Flippin.

I want you to see Fiddle Flippin, Randy." "Who is Fiddle Flippin?" "Mary's little girl. Mary is a war bride. She was in Petersburg teaching school when the war broke out, and she married a man named Branch. Then she came home and she called the baby Fidelity." "I hope he was a good husband." "Nobody has seen him, he was ordered away at once. But she is very proud of him. And the baby is a darling.

"But I have something I should have told you months ago." "There isn't anything you can tell me that I don't know." "Mother " "Girls can't fool their mothers, Mary. Do you think that when Fiddle grows up, she is going to fool you?" The next morning Mr. Flippin was at the foot of the stairs when his daughter came down. "So you lied to me, Mary." She shook her head, "No."

Flippin get Miss MacVeigh married; then she and young John had an imposing ceremony in their church, with Daisy in a train and white veil, and four bridesmaids, and Mandy and Calvin in front seats, and Calvin giving the bride away. I think the elaborateness of it all really reconciled Mandy to her daughter-in-law."

Flippin severely, "I wouldn't let you have your way " "I love to have my own way, Mrs. Flippin. And I am not your Mary" then fearing that she had hurt the kind heart, she caught Mrs. Flippin's hand in her own and kissed it, "but I wish I were. You're such a lovely mother." Mrs. Flippin smiled at her. "I'm as near like your mother as a hen is mother to a bluebird."

The Judge always napped after lunch, and Bob Flippin, stretched beside him, lay awake and watched the stream slip by in a sheet of silver, he watched a squirrel flattened on the limb above him, he watched the birds that fluttered down to the pools to bathe, he watched the buzzards sailing high above the hills.

Paine in a broad hat playing the part of leading lady. Mr. Flippin, who was high-priest at all of the county barbecues, was superintending the roasting of a whole pig, and Mrs. Flippin had her mind on hot biscuits. The young mulatto, Daisy, and Mandy's John, with the negroes from the Paine household, were setting the long tables under the trees.

"It's like a little bit of over there, Kemp, isn't it?" "Yes it is, sir many's the time I've seen them helping each other master and man." When they got to the house, they found Madge on the sofa, and Mrs. Flippin bending over her. "My husband has gone for the doctor," she told the Major. "I think the blood comes from her hand; she must have put it up to save her face."

"When he comes back," the Judge told Mary, "he must show the stuff he is made of. I can't have him selling cars around the county like Randy Paine." "Well, Randy has sold a lot of them," said Mary. "Father has given him an order " "You don't mean to say that Bob Flippin is going to buy a car " "He is." "He didn't dare tell me," the Judge said; "what's he going to do with his horses?"

But he was not thinking only of Georgie. He was thinking of Becky and her self-respect. "She will never get it back," he said, "until that dog asks her to marry him." He had faith enough in her to believe that she would not marry Dalton now if he asked her. But she must be given the chance. The Judge and Mr. Flippin were fishing, with grasshoppers for bait.