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"And you took time enough getting home with them to have grown the vegetables and slaughtered the meat." Jerry looked at the floor. "I'll go," he said in a dull voice as if the burden of life was heavy. With leaden feet Jerry went out to the garage for his bike. He had a five-dollar bill in his mother's coin purse and he was worrying about how he was going to get it changed.

"Very good. I'm expecting her here any minute, but Well, what now? What's up?" An officer had entered hurriedly after one quick knock. "Mrs. Davis' lodger is gone," said he. "Left without a word to anybody. When they went to her room they found it empty, with a five-dollar bill pinned to the riddled cushion. As nobody saw her go, we are as much at sea as ever."

This by no means easy feat accomplished, he would have his five-dollar bill changed into five hundred pennies, filling his pockets with which, he would sally forth from his lodging, and, seeking neighbourhoods in which children most abound, he would scatter his arduously accumulated largess among the scrambling boys and girls, literally happy as a king to watch the glee on the young faces at the miraculous windfall.

I paid for that suit with my first month's savings. A little dark-blue Norfolk, Lichtig let me have out of stock for twenty-seven fifty." "Were they giving them away with a pound of tea?" "Honest, Kitty, it was neat. Little white shirt waist, tan shoes, and one of those slick little five-dollar sailors, and every cent paid out of my salary.

Captain Luke Chilton counted over the five-dollar notes with a greater care than I thought was necessary, considering that there were only ten of them; and cautiously examined each separate one, as though he feared that I might be trying to pay for my passage in bad money.

He visualized a frantic, silent crowd around the wheel listening to the click of the ball. And now he noted that the wheel had stopped the last four times on the odd. He jerked a five-dollar gold piece out of his pocket and placed it on the even. The wheel spun, clicked to a stop, and the rake of the croupier slicked his five dollars away across the smooth-worn top of the table. How very simple!

Yours truly, "This is a very cold-blooded letter," said Andy, indignantly. "He might at least have inclosed a five-dollar bill." "He inclosed nothing. I shall never apply to him again." "Philemon Carter is considered to be one of the richest men in Arden. He is taxed for twenty-five thousand dollars, and is probably worth double that sum. People wonder where he got all his money."

Then he extracted a roll of bills from a hip pocket and laid a five-dollar note on the table. "That meal was worth it," he said to the girl with a smile. She shook her head. "I I couldn't take it," she said. "That's clean money, miss. I earned it circumventin' three of the most ornery card sharps in Arizona." She continued to shake her head. "You do not understand," she murmured.

Orme heard a few scattered words which indicated that the clerk was questioning the stranger. Then came the information: "He says he wishes to see you about a five-dollar bill." "Oh!" Orme realized that he had no reason to be surprised. "Well, send him up."

Lawrence, for the flying machine had been so shaken in its struggle with the thunderstorm that some repairs were needed. They descended in a field on the edge of the town, gave the farmer who owned the place a five-dollar bill to allow the machine to stand on his land, and then engaged him to drive Professor Henderson and the boys into town.