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These are the tombs of St Richard, of which I have spoken, in the north transept against the choir, the restored Arundel Chantry and tomb of Richard Fitzalan in the north aisle of the nave, and the exquisite Decorated tomb in the chapel of St John Baptist at the eastern end of this aisle; little beside.

I'll have Fitzalan send the carpenter to your friend at once." "Today!" exclaimed Susan, in surprise and delight. "Why not?" He arranged paper and pen. "Sit here and write Spenser's address, and your own. Your salary begins with today. I'll have my secretary mail you a check. And as soon as I can see you again, I'll send you a telegram.

A rousing game with him and an evening at the theatre with Mr. Fitzalan, distracted Tims's thoughts from her anxieties. But at night she dreamed repeatedly and uneasily of Milly and Mildred as of two separate persons, and of Mr. Goring, whose vivid face seen in the full light of the window at Hampton Court, returned to her in sleep with a distinctness unobtainable in her waking memory.

"My luck's turned!" cried he, after kissing her with enthusiasm. "Fitzalan has sent Jack Sperry to me, and we're to collaborate on a play. I told you Fitz was the real thing." Susan turned hastily away to hide her telltale face. "Who's Sperry?" asked she, to gain time for self-control. "Oh, He's a play-smith and a bear at it. He has knocked together half a dozen successes.

Nineteen years after that summer day, a girl of twenty-two sat gazing from the casement in that turret-chamber a girl whose face even a flatterer would have praised but little; and Philippa Fitzalan had no flatterers. The pretty child as pretty children often do had grown into a very ordinary, commonplace woman.

Side by side with moderate men, such as Gloucester, Lincoln, and John of Brittany, Earl of Richmond, were the extreme men of the opposition, Lancaster, Pembroke, Warwick, Hereford, the king's brother-in-law, and Edmund Fitzalan, Earl of Arundel. Warenne and the insignificant Earl of Oxford do not seem to have been present in parliament, and are therefore omitted.

"The Lady Philippa Fitzalan, my Lord's daughter." "My Lord's daughter!" And a visible frown clouded the Countess's brow. "I knew not he had a daughter Oh! that child! Take her away I do not want her. Mistress Philippa, for the future. That is my pleasure." And with a decided pout on her previously smiling lips, the Lady of Arundel seated herself at her tiring-glass.

On coming to the throne, David endowed these men with charters of lands in Scotland. With him came a cadet of the great Anglo-Breton House of FitzAlan, who obtained the hereditary office of Seneschal or Steward of Scotland. The earliest Stewart holdings of land were mainly in Renfrewshire; those of the Bruces were in Annandale.

He'll supply the trade experience that I lack, and Fitzalan will be sure to put on our piece." "You're a lot better aren't you?" "Better? I'm almost well." He certainly had made a sudden stride toward health. By way of doing something progressive he had had a shave, and that had restored the look of youth to his face or, rather, had uncovered it.

"Well, it wasn't I, anyhow, who felt 'awfully spifligatingly happy' on that occasion," replied Mildred, with a touch of asperity in her voice. Tims, legitimately absorbed in her own feelings, did not notice it. She continued: "I dare say the world will say Mr. Fitzalan had an eye on my money; and it's true I've done pretty well with my investments. But, bless you! he hadn't a notion of that.