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He felt that it would hardly be wise to attempt any entire concealment of the nature of his catastrophe, as some of the circumstances would assuredly become known. If he said that he had fallen over the coal-scuttle, or on to the fender, thereby cutting his face, people would learn that he had fibbed, and would learn also that he had had some reason for fibbing.

She's much better now and will come back to school by the middle of the month. I must tell her before that or she'll get a shock. Yesterday she asked: Does not S. C. ask about me any more? Oh yes, I fibbed, but not so often as before. And she said: That's the way it goes, out of sight out of mind. What will happen when she learns the truth. Anyhow I shan't tell her until she's quite strong.

Already she had almost fibbed, in explaining Clo's errand. If only, now, she could have five minutes' grace! "You ought to know I never guess anything right!" she laughed. "It's not quite four. Show me the wonderful thing just as the clock strikes!" Roger pulled out his watch. "All right, baby!" he teased her. "You've got just three minutes and a half.

I was mad at Floyd, as mad as " Ann placed her finger on the trembling lips. "Don't say what you were going to, Dear and remember it is as great a sin to get into such a temper as it is to tell a story." "Ye won't tell anyone that I fibbed, will ye Flukey or yer brother, either?" Everett's voice called Ann again, and she replied that she was coming.

Think I was going to flinch before a chump like Moriway, even if I had walked straight into his trap? "It isn't?" I exclaimed. "No. Latimer's note to Mrs. Kingdon said the diamonds were found in the bell-boy's jacket the thief had left behind him." "Well! It only shows what a bad habit lying is. Nora must have fibbed to me, for the pure pleasure of fibbing. I'll never dare to trust her again.

Arrived in front of the house, the girl stopped with her bundle of radishes under her arm and listened eagerly to a final detail which the other imparted to her. Nana fibbed away and vowed that it was she who had turned Count Muffat out of doors with a perfect hail of kicks on the posterior. "Oh how smart!" Satin repeated. "How very smart! Kicks, eh? And he never said a word, did he?

Ned looked at her and she broke into a laugh. "Well," she said, "I suppose we both have a pretty good idea. She's somebody's something Alfred Cromarty's, I believe; though of course her mother may have fibbed, for she doesn't look much like the Cromartys. Anyhow that pretty well puts her out of the question." "Why?"

"Maude Hippesley, his niece, was my dearest friend." The words were no sooner out of her mouth than she was aware that she had fibbed. Miss Altifiorla was justified. Why had she not stopped at the assurance of her intimacy with Sir Francis, and leave unexplained the nature of it? Every step which she took made further steps terribly difficult! After dinner, Mr.

He arrived swinging his arms, his pockets empty, and often without his handkerchief; well, yes, he had lost his rag, or else some rascally comrade had sneaked it. At first he always fibbed; there was a donation to charity, or some money slipped through the hole in his pocket, or he paid off some imaginary debts. Later, he didn't even bother to make up anything.

Poor boys, they're awfully young I believe they fibbed about their ages and look like cherubs. None of them has ever been away from home before, and they are pathetically homesick.