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'I done or said nout not but I should, and there's the fack she can't deny't; she hadn't a hard word from I; and I don't care the top o' that thistle what no one says not I. But I tell thee, Milly, I stopped some o' thy pranks, and I'll stop more. Ye'll be shying no more stones at the cattle. 'Tell your tales, and welcome, cried Milly. 'I wish I was here when you jawed cousin.

"Yas, suh, but you mout do de most o' yo' pertectin' atter I'se dun dead." "Wall, atter you're dead it won't make any difference." "N n no, suh, dat's er fack. I hadn't thought o' dat. Funny how sich er 'po'tent p'int will come ter er man w'en he neber did think o' it befo', ain't it?" "Don't you worry. You air safe enough." "Safe ernuff? I doan know whut you calls safe ernuff.

"It's a fack, sir, and as sure as I stand here; and she was a bruising up betel-nuts for him to chew, and another was mixing up lime, and another spreading leaves, whilst there, I dursn't hardly tell you this here, because you won't believe it." "Let it off gently, Dick," said the middy, "and we'll try and bear it."

He came back to that again and again, and always with the same interest. I ought to have suspected what was running in his head, but I didn't. In fack, we had all settled down now like we had always lived together, and I didn't bother any more about him, or what he said or did, than if he had been my wife's father!

"Well, stranger, how do you feel yourself, this morning?" asked Jerry. "Better. That was a cursed hard rap which some one gave me, last night," replied Vernon, as, from the force of habit, we must still call him. "That are a fack, stranger; the man that gin you that blow has a moughty hard fist; and I advoise you to keep clear of him, or he will beat you into mince-meat." "I will try to do so."

Old Dibs made no bones about giving her the keys, while I took it on myself to tell Iosefo the enemy had arrived, and he'd better move about the village warning everybody of the fack.

I ain't no spishus nigger myse'f, but I 'spizes fer ter year dogs a howlin' an' squinch- owls havin' de agur out in de woods, an' w'en a bull goes a bellerin' by de house den my bones git col' an' my flesh commences fer ter creep; but w'en it comes ter deze yer sines in de a'r an' deze yer sperrits in de woods, den I'm out den I'm done. I is, fer a fack.

From a rayther hurryed conwersashun with a real Native, I gathered the himportant fack that the one reason why all the great big Beach Trees of the Forest had had their tops cut off, was, that OLIWER CROMWEEL wanted the bows for his sojers to carry, so as to make 'em look more than they was when he marched at their Hed to the Seege of Winsor Carsel!

The man of the newspaper here put in. "Daviess sent Clay a challenge; that's certain." "Yes! an' there's another fack what's durn certain, my friend, or I'm a liar!" The backwoodsman roused himself from his stooping posture and sat glaring at the editor.

His oars remained motionless for a long time, till he suddenly commented: "H'm." This encouraging remark Master Doe interpreted as a willingness to converse, and he let escape a burst of confidence. "You know, I like Archie Pennybet very much indeed. In fack, I think I like him better than anyone else in the world, 'septing of course my relations."