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But nothing of animal life was visible in any direction beyond the train, and more was the mystery, since the cries sounded but a little way off. "They are human cries!" exclaimed Fearless Frank, excitedly, "and come from some one in distress. Boys, we must investigate this matter."

"There he is, Bob," said Dexter excitedly; and looking toward the other creek, there, sure enough, was the man in his wretched little tub of a boat, which he was forcing rapidly through the water, and looking over his shoulder from time to time at the objects of his pursuit. Bob pulled with all his might, growing pallid and muddy of complexion as the gig glided on.

So I recited it, bit by bit, and he laughed in all the right places and got very much excited, and said finally that he would read it the first thing this morning." Marion paused, breathlessly. "Oh, yes, and he wrote your address on his cuff," she added, with the air of delivering a complete and convincing climax. Carroll stared at her and pulled excitedly on his pipe.

And the girl caught her mother's hand in caressing remonstrance, as though to say: "Dear little mother, you must like her, because I do; and you mustn't think of Aunt Rose, and all those terrible things, except for pity." "Hush!" said Lady Blanche, smiling at her a little excitedly. "Hush; they're coming!" Delafield and Julie emerged from the iron staircase.

He was going to add "I haven't got it," but checked himself in time. Why should he show his hand? Strangwise broke in excitedly. "Man," he cried, "it was grandly done. When first I discovered the gem, I opened the package in which the silver box was wrapped and took the jewel from its case to make sure that it was there.

What do you say to going down yourself to see? You could stand in the bucket, and we'd let you down. You wouldn't mind turning round as you went down?" "No," cried Glyn eagerly; "and there's no water there now." "Not much more than enough to fill a teacup, sir. What do you say?" "I'll go," cried Glyn excitedly. "I could take a lantern with me so as to make sure there was nothing left."

There is no need of picturing the rejoicing in that log house for the next few minutes; but, when all had quieted down and were beginning to talk sensible again, Rex suddenly jumped to his feet with an exclamation of horror and rage. "The curs! The cowards! The murderers!" he cried excitedly. "What's bitin' you?" demanded Ham in astonishment. "The fire!

You, the proudest of them all, will scarcely think of making such an error, though it is true " "Ernst Ortlieb, spite of his trade, is a man of knightly lineage, to whom the king of arms opens the lists at every tournament!" exclaimed Heinz indignantly. "In the combat with blunt weapons," replied Biberli contemptuously. "Nay, for the jousts and single combat," cried Heinz excitedly.

"But any one will not know the way," replied Fred, as he went down on hands and knees, and thrust out his head and shoulders. "Easy enough to get out now," he said, as he thrust the bushes aside, "only we should want the boat. Water's quite deep here. Stop a moment!" he cried excitedly, as he twisted himself round and looked up before drawing his head back.

He was gazing at the tender, wistful new moon that suddenly slipped into his vision in the west, when he felt the Governor's hand on his arm. "Archie! Oh, Archie!" the Governor whispered excitedly, brushing an envelope across the bewildered Archie's face. "Strike a match before I perish." He tore open the envelope, and his fingers trembled as he held the note to the light.