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Davis took her home to Scott County, Virginia where he married her to his only other slave, George Cox, by the ceremony of laying a broom on the floor and having the two young negroes step over the broom stick. Among the children of George Cox and his wife was Rev. John R. Cox, Col. who now lives in Catlettsburg, Kentucky, and is probably the only living ex-slave in this county.

Fisk, Atlanta, Howard, and Hampton were founded in these days, and six million dollars were expended for educational work, seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars of which the freedmen themselves gave of their poverty. Such contributions, together with the buying of land and various other enterprises, showed that the ex-slave was handling some free capital already.

Dey aint nobody else been here a-pesterin' me since. Now won't dat be gran'? I could live lak de white folks on dat much. "I'se had 'ligion all my born days. "'Twixt de Lawd an' de good white folks I know I's gwine always have somethin' t'eat. President Roosevelt done 'tended to de roof over my head." JOHN CAMERON Jackson, Mississippi John Cameron, ex-slave, lives in Jackson.

The white folks would set around and watch; and would sometimes join in and dance and sing. My colored grand father lived to be 115 years old, and at that age he was never sick in his life. One day he picked up the water bucket to go to the spring, and as he was on his way back he dropped dead. Garrard County. Ex-Slave Stories.

There is every prospect that the State will be rapidly filled with a population that believes in freedom and in the dignity of labor. She has an advantage over the other ex-slave States, in lying west of the populous regions of the North. Hitherto, emigration has generally followed the great isothermal lines, as can be readily seen when we study the population of the Western States.

At the close of the war more attention was given to the reconstruction of Southern institutions than to the elevation of the ex-slave. While a handful of the Radical Republicans, such as Sumner and Stevens, were aware that slavery had not prepared the ex-slave for participation in a free competitive society, most liberals assumed that the termination of slavery meant the end of their problems.

We stayed there after Mr. Cassidy come. My son Lafayette worked there for thirty five years. Then we cum to Carroll Springs Inn". Maryland 11/15/37 Rogers CHARLES COLES, Ex-slave. Reference: Personal interview with Charles Coles at his home, 1106 Sterling St., Baltimore, Md. "I was born near Pisgah, a small village in the western part of Charles County, about 1851.

But it is not in a brave people to humiliate a fallen enemy, and the order to break ranks is given, and the ex-slave and ex-master mingle together, and depart to work out a destiny common to both. In the preceding pages we have briefly tried to show that Confiscation is the only peaceable way that is now open to us by which the people can again obtain possession of their country.

The other hope for the advancement of the ex-slave was through the development of industrial skills. At this time the American labor movement was emerging and was striving to protect and elevate the status of industrial workers. If the ex-slave had been integrated into this movement, it would have helped many of them to achieve economic security.

Personal interview with Samuel Simeon Andrews in the dormitory of Edward Waters college Kings Road, Jacksonville, Florida Martin Richardson, Field Worker Greenwood, Florida March 18, 1937 Bill Austin he says his name is NOT Williams is an ex-slave who gained his freedom because his mistress found it more advantageous to free him than to watch him.