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The child may not appreciate what is done for him, may not be particularly grateful, may have disagreeable faults, and continue to have them after much pains on your part to eradicate them, and yet it is a fact, that to redeem one human being from destitution and ruin, even in some homely every-day course of ministrations, is one of the best possible tonics and alteratives to a sick and wounded spirit.

I was in hiding, in the darkness, waiting for him to come back. He had been here once before in the evening, Eradicate says. Well, he came while I was waiting and I detained him. Then the lights went up. They are very bright lights, Mr. Tom." "Yes, brighter than I expected they would be. I must look and see what causes it. So you detained him, did you, Koku?"

"Did you know who he was?" inquired Ned. "No, I couldn't see his face," and he gave the same description of the affair as had Eradicate. "Was it a full grown man, or some one about my size?" Tom wanted to know. "A man," replied the giant.

"Well, we'll try and fool him, the same as we did the Mexicans when we hunted for the city of gold," spoke Tom; and then putting aside that worry, he and the others labored hard to get matters in shape for a departure to South America. "I suppose Eradicate is going," remarked Ned, in the intervals of packing the aeroplane.

Eradicate, his heart growing fainter as the time of starting drew nearer, made as if he would leave the monoplane, in which he had taken his seat. "Sit still!" yelled Tom. At that instant he started the propeller. The motor roared like a salvo of guns, and streaks of fire could be seen shooting from one cylinder to the other, until there was a perfect blast of explosions.

No, I guess we've got to go back," and Tom spoke regretfully. "It's hard luck, but we've got to give up and go back." "Den I's pow'ful glad I got ma golden image when I did, dat's suah!" exclaimed Eradicate. "Ef we doan't git no mo' I'll hab one. But I'll sell it and whack up wid yo' all, Massa Tom." "You'll do nothing of the sort, Rad!" exclaimed the young inventor.

Two were strangers with that curious official look which the plain-clothes policeman can never wholly eradicate from his bearing. The third was Mr. White, more pompous and more solemn than ever. "Miss Cresswell?" asked one of the strangers. "That is my name." "May we come inside? I want to see you." She led the way to her little sitting-room. Mr. White followed in the rear.

I, however, readily give my word. Tears, in the mean time, contradicted her first assertion; and she felt, that time and effort only could eradicate an affection, which had been formed on virtuous esteem, and cherished by habit and difficulty. 'I will trust you then, said the Count, 'for conviction is necessary to your peace, and cannot, I perceive, be obtained, without this confidence.

They rear horses and cattle, asses and mules, and sometimes hunt in the hills for pigs or goats, or the wild black sheep. And even yet they hunt each other, for not even French law and French police can eradicate revenge from the Corsican heart. They are a curious subtle people, not at all like the French or the Italians.

"Hold on, dar I Hold on, Mistah Swift!" cried a colored man, suddenly popping into view. "Doan't go down dat hill." "Why, it's Eradicate Sampson!" exclaimed Tom, quickly shutting off the power and applying the brakes. "What's the matter, Rad? Why shouldn't I go down that hill?"