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She went towards him with winged steps in her white dress: 'Oh! Mr. Dutton, we have not said half enough to you, but we never, never can. He gave a curious, trembling half smile, as she held out her hands to him, and said: 'The joy is great in itself, speaking in a very low voice. 'Oh! I am so glad that you did it, cried Ursula. 'It would not have been half so sweet to owe it to any one else.

"Well, then, it aint on this side o' the ridge," said the driver; "we stop for supper, about a quarter of a mile on the other side, at Pete Lowry's. Perhaps Dutton used to keep that place. Was it called the 'Ridge House'?" I did not remember the name of the house, but I knew very well that it was not on the other side of the ridge. "Then," said the driver, "I'm sure I don't know where it is.

The storm raged for many hours more, and struck terror into the hearts of the women and children. Mr. Dutton and some of the other gentlemen were up all night, as well as the captain and officers; but the morning rose calm and delicious over a sleeping sea, and cheerfulness and high spirits reigned in the ship.

Mark listened resignedly, Annaple with an intelligence that made Mr. Dutton think her the more clearheaded of the two, though still she could not refrain from her little jokes. 'I'm sure I should not mind how liquid we became if we could only run off clear of Goodenough, she said. 'You know what it means? said her husband. 'Oh yes, I know what it means. It is the fine word for being sold up.

Dutton, wiping off the more obnoxious of his splashes with his pocket handkerchief. 'Oh I didn't mean you, but the water-soldier, said Nuttie. 'To have come five miles for it in vain! 'I don't know what to suggest, added Gerard. 'Even if the ladies were to retire 'No, no, interposed Mr. Dutton, ''tis no swimming ground, and I forbid the expedient. You would only be entangled in the weeds.

Major C. K. Dutton furnished a team of mules to haul the Maria Theresa to the St. Mary's River, the morning after my arrival by rail at Dutton Station. The warm sunshine shot aslant the tall pines as the teamster followed a faintly developed trail towards the swamps.

"How provoking! when you were to have told your own story to-morrow! Be quick, Mr. Dutton, don't lose a moment, and I will undertake to keep Kate and Mrs. Barrington quiet till they can do no further mischief." A very grateful glance from Harry as he sprang away; and how he fared in the dreaded interview is already known to the reader.

Dashing from my retreat, I reached the main hall in time to see Miss Murray disappear toward the staircase. This was well, and I was about to follow, when, to my astonishment, I perceived Dutton standing in the doorway she had just left, staring down at the floor with a puzzled look. "She didn't pick up the letters!" he cried in amazement. "She just walked over them. What shall I do now?

As the girl pointed towards the precipice, and looked the very image of horror, the good-hearted old baronet began to get some glimpses of the truth; and, by means of a few words with Dutton, soon knew quite as much as his two companions.

Others sometimes came to dinner with their parents, and an impromptu dance was often got up. Geraldine had begun to listen for Harry's step, seat herself near a vacant chair, and thrill with delight when he took it. No man dislikes such unconscious flattery, and Dutton, ill at ease in mind, felt himself soothed by her kindness.