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Whether a reader would be thanked for reproducing one of Horace Greeley's lectures as he delivered it is a question that cannot detain us here; but the teaching that he ought to do so, I think, would please Mr. Greeley. The first driblets of professional tourists and summer boarders who arrived among the Adirondack Mountains a few years ago found Old Phelps the chief and best guide of the region.

With an assumption of recklessness Gloria tossed out the suggestion that they should take all their money and go on a real spree while it lasted anything seemed better than to see it go in unsatisfactory driblets. "Gloria, you want parties as much as I do." "It doesn't matter about me.

"Gone, of course," answered the son, in a loud and insolent tone. "Do you expect to keep me on miserable driblets like that?" "Thirty dollars a week, and board and lodging, are enough for any reasonable young man, Myndert. I cannot give you more." "Since you are obstinate, then, make it three hundred."

And if raised in driblets, on what will it be spent? Obviously, not on the policy of 1903, but on the policy substituted by Mr. Dillon in 1909. It will be spent on expelling landlords and graziers to make room for subscribers to the propaganda of extremists. We must judge of what will happen to agriculture after Home Rule by what has happened since the Treaty of 1903 was repudiated.

Now there was not a sign of life, not a moth fluttered round my candle, not a wind-borne leaf was seen in the boundless yellow sand. On the morning of the 25th I made a terrible discovery: two cisterns were empty and the other two contained only enough water for two days. Henceforth Islam Bay was put in charge of the cisterns. The water was treasured like gold and served out in driblets.

One guess would be as good as the other. One of the puzzling things about the early mid-August stages of the war was the almost instantaneous rapidity with which the Belgian army, as an army, disintegrated and vanished. To-day it was here, giving a good account of itself against tremendous odds, spending itself in driblets to give the Allies a chance to get up. To-morrow it was utterly gone.

"Right," conceded the captain. "But here, of course no earthquakes, no thunderstorms the loss must be very slow. Then why is the race dying?" "The sun-power plant answers that," countered Jarvis. "Lack of fuel! Lack of power! No oil left, no coal left if Mars ever had a Carboniferous Age and no water-power just the driblets of energy they can get from the sun. That's why they're dying."

Mike, as always, was rendered utterly dumb by the sight of suffering. He sat at his desk, occupying himself as best he could with the driblets of work which came to him. Mr Waller's silence and absentness continued unchanged. The habit of years had made his work mechanical.

It was while he was doing so that Jowett appeared with Gabriel Druse to interview the Mayor. "It's like this," said Jowett. "In another hour the funeral will start. There's a lot of Manitou huskies in Lebanon now, and their feet is loaded, if their guns ain't. They're comin' by driblets, and by-and-bye, when they've all distributed themselves, there'll be a marching column of them from Manitou.

Here at one end is the great fountain, ever brimming. Draw from it ever so much, it sinks not one hair's-breadth in its pure basin. Here, on the other side, is an intermittent flow, sometimes in scanty driblets, sometimes in painful drops, sometimes more full and free on the pastures of the wilderness. Wherefore these jerks and spasms? It must be something stopping the pipe. Yes, of course.