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Perhaps she would never penetrate it further; Linder rather expected that would be the case. As for Drazk she was in no danger from him. Drazk's methods were so precipitous that they could be counted upon to defeat themselves. Below stretched the valley of the South Y.D., almost a duplicate of its northern neighbor.

According to Drazk's statement of it he won the war, and could as easily win another, if occasion presented itself, so when he said, 'If ever you see Y.D.'s daughter tell her I'm well; she'll be glad to hear it, I put it down to his usual boasting and thought no more about it.

Zen was not a good swimmer, but she would gladly have broken away and taken chances with the current. Once on land she would be at his mercy. She was using her head frantically, but could think of no device to foil him. It was not her practice to carry weapons; her whip had already gone down the stream. Presently she saw a long leather thong floating out from the saddle of Drazk's horse.

I asked you whether you was surprised." "Drazk's movements were are nothing to me. I don't know that I have any occasion to be surprised about anything he may do." "Well, I'm rather glad you're not, because if you don't jump to conclusions, perhaps other people won't. Not that it makes any partic'lar diff'rence." "Dad," she cried in desperation, "whatever do you mean?"

Sooner or later Drazk's disappearance must be noted, perhaps his body would be found and while she had little fear that anyone would associate her with the tragedy it was a most unpleasant thing to think about. Sometimes she wondered if she should not tell her father or Transley just what had happened, but she shrank from doing so as from the confession of a crime.

It was against all human nature to look on such a scene unmoved. He recalled Y.D.'s half-spoken wish about a random cigar. Then suddenly George Drazk's mouth dropped open and his eyes rounded with a great idea. Of course, it was against all the rules of the range it was outlaw business but what about driving iron stakes in a hay meadow? Drazk's philosophy was that the end justifies the means.

The manoeuvre had, however, the effect of unhorsing Drazk. He fell in the water, but kept his grip on Zen. With his free hand he still had the reins of his own horse, and he managed also to get hold of hers. Although her horse was plunging and jumping, Drazk's strong grip on his rein kept him from breaking away. "You fight well, Zen, damn you you fight well," he cried. "So you might.

Drazk's jaw dropped, but he had a quick wit, although an unbalanced one. "Well, Lin, I clean forgot all about it," he admitted, with a laugh, "but when a fellow spends the morning chatting with old Y.D.'s daughter I guess he's allowed to forget a few things." "Oh!" "Reckon you don't believe it, eh, Lin?

He could not connect her with Drazk's disappearance, or he would not approach the matter with such unconcern. That was unthinkable. Neither could Transley, or he would not have sent so brutal a message. And yet it was clear that they thought she should be interested. Her father's question demanded an answer. "What should I care?" she ventured at length. "I didn't ask you whether you cared.

This was now arising in enormous stacks; it must have been three miles to where they lay, but Drazk's keen eyes could distinguish ten completed stacks and two others in course of building. He could even see the sweeps hauling the new hay, after only a few hours of sun-drying, and sliding it up the inclined platforms which dumped it into the form of stacks.