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If they ketch 'im 'e'll get six months 'ard." "Then what's 'e been doin' it for? I down't see nothink in it if it down't py.". "Cause he believes in it, thet's why! What do you think, sir?" "I think the man has come by a just fall," said John. "God will never use him again, having brought him to shame." "Must hev been a wrong un certingly," said the man over the fire.

"Oh, yes, miss, she's alive and 'earty; but the daughters manages everythink, and what they down't manage the h'orphan nieces does. The 'ouse is run for the young ladies, but m'ludanlady seems to enjoy it." Dovermarle Street was so interesting during the next few days that we could scarcely bear to leave it, lest something exciting should happen in our absence.

"It's because we plye gymes, an' they down't," he remarked. "If yer plye gymes, yer now 'ow to plye fair." For three years and eight months Jimmie had been hearing stories about atrocities, and for three years and eight months he had been refusing to believe them.

I down't 'old with sin myself, mind you, but I down't believe in cuttin' off your nose to spite someone else's fyce. You go an' wash your 'ands, an' I'll 'ave your dinner up in 'alf a jiff!..." John stared at her. "I don't know what you mean by living in sin," he said. "Well, you are innercent," she replied. "'Aven't you never 'eard of no one livin' together without bein' married?"

What do yer say now to paintin' my cart in yer dinner hour? I shall want it done afore long, and I'd like to gie ye the job, for a shilling or two down't come amiss to any of us. Do it now?" Another job refused by these same artists was to clean and touch up an old picture that had been bought for a few shillings at a sale.

And 'e was the ruin of me; and now 'e's 'listed for a soldier and going off with another woman!" "You're bleedin' drunk, that's what you are!" said a man's voice, "and if you down't take kear I'll send ye 'ome on a dawer!" "Strike me, will ye, ye dog? Do it! I dare you!"

He saw that flags were flying on the Mansion House and on the Bank, and, pushing up the trap of the hansom, he asked if anything unusual was going on. "Lawd, down't ye know what day it is terday, sir? It's the dear ole laidy's birthday. That's why all the wimming's going abart in their penny carridges. Been through a hillness, sir?" "Yes, something of that sort." "Thort so, sir."

"Well, you see, Shakespeare mentions it!..." "I down't tyke much interest in 'im. 'Ere's the Elephant! Thet's Spurgeon's Tabernacle over there!..." The driver became absorbed in the business of pulling up at the stopping-place and alluring fresh passengers on to the 'bus in place of those who were now leaving it, and John had time to look about him.

I call that extraordinary, if you down't ... only I down't want to myke a song abaht it!" John felt that he had been rebuked for an excess of enthusiasm. The Englishman was right about the Tube.

"I've read about it!..." "Well, that's livin' in sin, that is. Pers'nally, I down't see wot diff'rence it mykes. They be'ave about the syme, married or not. 'E's a bit more lovin', per'aps, than a 'usband, but otherwise it's about the syme!" The bluntness of Lizzie's speech disconcerted him, and yet the simplicity of it reassured him.