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And Duke sat down, pushing the dripping hair from his forehead, pulling his face into all sorts of contortions, until at last it sunk between his hands, and those clear, honest, always beautiful eyes, alone confronted her. There was that in their expression which startled Agatha. "What did you come for so late, Mr. Dugdale?" "What did I come for?" he vaguely repeated. "Now don't'ee tremble so.

"Nay, dear, don't be afraid, how don't'ee as we Dorset people would say. Kingcombe Holm lies in a valley. You would never know you were so near the ocean. It is the same at Anne Valery's house." "Where is that!" said Agatha, brightening up at the mention of the name. "Why, this animal seems inclined to show me even if I did not know it of long habit," answered Mr.

Now don't'ee, my child!" And shaking himself, hair and all, into something like order, he picked up the folio, tucked it under his arm, and wended his way through the window slowly down the lawn. Agatha glanced at her husband, who stood talking to Miss Valery.

Harper, bestowing a little less of his attention on his wife, and more on the obstreporous pony, who, in regard to a certain turn of the road, had grown peculiarly wrong-headed. "Don't'ee give in, sir! T'Squire bought he o' Miss Valery, and she do gi' un their own way, terrible bad," hinted the groom.

At last he turned and patted her with his great hand, just as some sage, mild Newfoundland dog would coax into peace the attacks of a wild young kitten. "Nay, now, Missus don't'ee, love; I'm busy. And you see, Nathanael, as your brother is sure not to canvass or try for the town, and as Mr. Trenchard is such a fine fellow, your father's friend too, don't you think we could coax him round?

"E h, my child!" said Duke Dugdale, turning his mild benevolent looks on the flushed face beside him. "Don't'ee try that, don't'ee, now! When people once set themselves rolling down-hill they never stop till they get to the bottom. It's always so in this world." Agatha laughed more loudly. She wished her husband to hear how merry she was. She talked incessantly to Mr.

If they had Free-trade they wouldn't be starving: if they were not starving they wouldn't drink. Therefore, hurrah for Free-trade, and, my poor fellows, here's your shilling! Only don't'ee let it go for more drink'; and, hark'ee, remember it's no bribery money o' Mr. Trenchard's, its mine. "Thank'ee, zir, thank'ee; hurrah for Duke Dugdale and Free-trade!" shouted the men as they staggered off.

Pendrergrass, if it can be hushed up " said Mrs. Jones, rising from her chair and coming up to him with her hands clasped together. "Don't send him away in your anger; don't'ee now, sir. Think of her ladyship. Do, do, do;" and the woman took hold of his arm, and looked up into his face with her eyes swimming with tears.

Wait for me, and I will talk with you." "Will'ee, Mister? Don't'ee cheat, now!" said the miner, with a rude attempt at a sneer. The young man's cheek flushed, but he said very quietly "I promise you, I will speak with you here in half-an-hour. I am Nathanael Harper Mr. Harper's youngest son." After a minute's keen observation, the miner pulled off his cap respectfully. "Thank'ee, sir!

"Not a single one of all the droning crew of ye goes out of this room till that Psalm is sung!" He slipped off the table, seized the poker, and going to the door placed his back against it. "Now then, go ahead, if you don't wish to have your cust pates broke!" "Don't 'ee, don't'ee take on so!