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The order of the Court, therefore, is that the Sheriff discharge you from further imprisonment. "Mr. Sheriff, conduct the young man to the door, caution him against a recurrence of his offence, and direct him toward his home. "We will now proceed to call the docket."

As a matter of fact, Sherlock Holmes was put upon a Raffles case in 1883, and while success attended upon every step of it, and my grandfather was run to earth by him as easily as was ever any other criminal in Holmes's grip, a little naked god called Cupid stepped in, saved Raffles from jail, and wrote the word failure across Holmes's docket of the case.

The absence of public drunkenness and profanity is very noticeable, and I was not surprised to read the following note clipped from one of the local newspapers on Sunday morning: "DEAD CALM IN POLICE COURTS ON SATURDAY" "Police court was absolutely deserted yesterday morning, not a single case appearing on the docket to mar the serenity of the day.

As in the case of King's, the progress of Margaret's college was handicapped by the Wars of the Roses, but fortunately Edward IV.'s Queen, Elizabeth Woodville, espoused the cause of Margaret's college when Docket appealed to her for help. Above all other memories this college glories in its associations with Erasmus, who was probably advised to go there by Bishop Fisher.

"Choose the most doubtful doubt on the docket and Flame's got a pretty level head," he interrupted himself very characteristically. "No young girl has a level heart," asserted Flame's Mother. "I'm so worried about the Lay Reader." "Lay Reader?" murmured her Father. Already he had crossed the threshold into the hall and was rummaging through an over-loaded hat rack for his fur coat.

His gray hackles stiffened and his thick-set eyebrows bristled outward like bits of frosted privet. Again he began whetting his forefinger on the leather back of the closed docket book. It was generally a bad sign for somebody when Donohue whetted his forefinger like that, and La Farge would have delighted to note it. But La Farge's appraising eyes were upon the accused.

His lawyer has waived all preliminary proceedings and, as luck will have it, we have a clear docket to go to trial with a jury." By afternoon the town was filled with reporters who had come up on the midday train. From the back windows you could see them walking along the banks of the river and talking with a man in a red shirt.

Halleck dragged lamely after the Squire, who had mounted the steps with unnatural vigor; he promptly found his way to the clerk's office, where he examined the docket, and then returned to his party triumphant. "We are in time," he said, and he led them on up into the court-room.

The lamps had been lighted long ago, and the early winter evening had set in. The court took a recess, waiting the verdict of the jury. This was the last case on the trial docket for that day. Rumpety was standing, broad and unblushing, before the stove, whither, in obedience to his commands, his wife and children had also repaired.

I'll just be cofferdamned if I propose to remain at the head of a church whose educators, preachers and editors are forever hacking away at each other's goozle with a hand-ax and slinging slime like a lot of colored courtesans. Our little boiler-plate contemporary, the Austin Statesman, prints a court docket containing 69 divorce cases side by side with 12 church notices.