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Many times in the next hour the fusilade was repeated. It was plain that the mutineers were armed only with pistols. "Probably Ditty laid in a stock before he left New York," the captain muttered to Tyke. "Automatics, too." "His ammunition won't last long if he keeps wasting it this way," replied Tyke. "An' an automatic ain't always a sure shot."

Atkins felt so disposed, he would summon a piou-piou to give him a French lesson, or else request the various inmates of the ward to sing to him. He would in turn render that plaintive ditty "Down by the Old Bull and Bush." A nurse who spoke a little English translated his song to the French soldiers.

It was that kind of addition to the general gloom that, at first, would fire O'Flynn to raise his own spirits, at least, by roaring out an Irish ditty. But this was seldomer as time went on. Even Jimmie's brogue suffered, and grew less robust. In a depressed sort of way Mac was openly teaching Kaviak his letters, and surreptitiously, down in the Little Cabin, his prayers.

Pink, with a quite obtrusive facetiousness, began lustily chanting that it looked to him like a big night to-night with occasional, furtive glances at Weary's face; for he, also, had been quick to read those close-pressed lips, which did not soften in response to the ditty. Usually he laughed at Pink's drollery. They rode rather quietly upon the hill again, to where fed the sheep.

Another carving represents the Blessed Trinity under the figure of a single head with three faces within a wreath of oak-leaves with floriated spandrels. We should like to pursue the subject of these Newbury clothiers and see Thomas Dolman's house, which is so fine and large and cost so much money that his workpeople used to sing a doggerel ditty:

Not only the four who had most immediately to do with us, but also the two chief muleteers, Mohammed 'Ali and Moûsa, and the songful boy, Mohammed el Nâsan, who warbled an interminable Arabian ditty all day long, and Fâris and the two other assistants, were models of fidelity and willing service.

While he was tracing the "letters blake" of the ditty so congenial to his own situation, Quentin was interrupted by a touch on the shoulder, and, looking up, beheld the Bohemian standing by him. Hayraddin, never a welcome sight, was odious from his late treachery, and Quentin sternly asked him why he dared take the freedom to touch a Christian and a gentleman?

With other minor appurtenances in the ditty bag, including an arrow-repairing kit, one's burden is less than twenty pounds, an easy load. If you have a dog, make him carry his own dry meal in little saddle-bags on his back, as Dan Beard suggests. Then, with two dozen arrows in your quiver, and your bow, the open trail lies ahead. There is always meat to be had for the shooting.

The diameter of the upper cylinder, on which its four feet alternately remained until the Arab had ended his ditty, was only two inches, and the length of each six inches.

When he had finished, Tyke observed coolly: "I'd 've bet dollars to doughnuts that that was the way she headed. Now we know. Eh, Cap'n Rufe?" "Yes," grunted the captain. "What shall we do?" asked Drew. "Do? Keep on," Captain Hamilton said firmly. "What d' you say, Tyke?" "Yes," agreed Grimshaw. "Ditty is playing a waiting game. So will we. An' we have the advantage."