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At last the Roman ambassadors left Egypt, and on their way home they went to Cyrene, to let Euergetes know that his brother had disobeyed the orders of the senate, and would not give up Cyprus; and Euergetes then sent two ambassadors to Rome to beg them to revenge their affronted dignity and to enforce their orders by arms.

His form seemed to have grown larger; his eye dilated, flashing as it rolled, and the man shrank before its glance. He saw death in it if he disobeyed, and with a surly murmur he fumbled mechanically at his belt, and thrust the blade back into its sheath. But the mutiny was not yet quelled. These were men not so easily conquered.

At last the gates came ponderously open, and the first three men to emerge were on horseback, one of them hastily getting into an outer garment, but the well-trained horses, who knew their business quite as thoroughly as their riders, for they were accustomed to plunge into the river if any barge disobeyed the order commanding it to halt, turned from the gate, and dashed down the steep road that descended through the forest.

"Sir Roland Brooke has returned home. He knows that you have disobeyed him. He knows that you are here with me. You will not dare to face him. You have gone too far to return." She gasped hysterically, and tottered for an instant, but recovered herself. "I will I will go back!" she said. "He will beat you like a labourer's wife," warned the jester. "He may do worse." She was swaying as she stood.

"I'll always remember you," said Varney with some difficulty, "as a good and brave man. I don't think I'll ever forget how you disobeyed an order to try to save me. And now tell me what became of your master?" "'E's in the village, sir," said Henry rather bothered by his throat "I'm expecting 'im in any moment, sir " "In the village?" repeated Varney, surprised. "Mr. Stanhope is in Hunston?" "Mr.

Obey my words, that when ye lay the moulds on my head and, oh that the day were come! ye may remember this hour without the reproach of having disobeyed the last earthly command that ever your mother wared on you."

Our surprise at this untoward daring of our young country cousin was so great, that even Louis dropped his spoon and forgot to eat. We had disobeyed very often, especially Louis and I, and many times we had been punished for it, for disobedience in my father's eyes was the greatest of all crimes; but never had we dared to defy him openly.

"Sir," said Medallion, laying a hand respectfully on his arm, "it is nothing." With a light on his face and a proud, trembling energy, he got to his feet. "It is the voice of my son," he said. "Go go, and bring him in." No one moved. But he was not to be disobeyed.

But about the boat I promised you. It is at my place, Lake Hall, near " "Arthur. we must go." Arthur jumped up at once. Gentle as it was, he had learned that that voice must never be disobeyed. "I can't stay, sir; mother calls me. But I'll tell papa we met you, and ask him to let me come and see you, if you will tell me your name." Sir Edwin hesitated. "There is no necessity," said Mrs. Grey.

It was, however, necessary that some exemplary punishment be meted out to the astronomer, inasmuch as by the publication of the Dialogue he had distinctly disobeyed the injunction of silence laid upon him by the decree of 1616.