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And though he holy were, and virtuous, He was to sinful man not despitous, And of his speech nor difficult nor digne, But in his teaching discreet and benign. For to draw folk to heaven by fairness, By good ensample, this was his business: But were there any person obstinate, What so he were, of high or low estate, Him would he sharply snub at once.

Each morn that dawns I wake in travail and in woe, * And strange is my condition and my burden gars me pine: Many others are in luck and from miseries are free, * And Fortune never loads them with loads the like o' mine: They live their happy days in all solace and delight; * Eat, drink and dwell in honour 'mid the noble and the digne: All living things were made of a little drop of sperm, * Thine origin is mine and my provenance is thine; Yet the difference and distance 'twixt the twain of us are far * As the difference of savour 'twixt vinegar and wine: But at Thee, O God All-wise!

Mademoiselle Scuderi rose from her chair; a transient blush, like the purple of the evening sky, passed across her pale cheeks, and, gently bending forward, she answered, with downcast eyes "Un amant qui craint les voleurs. N'est point digne d'amour."

Sur mon ame, I think she asks too much far more than she is worth. No, No; I had better have accepted her dismissal. Elle n'est pas digne de moi." Just as he arrived at that conclusion, Gustave Rameau felt the touch of a light, a soft, a warm, yet a firm hand, on his aria.

The courts were held at Pierrefeu, Digne, and Avignon according to tradition, women alone could act as judges, and appeals might be made from one court to another.

"O jour digne d'oubli! Quelle atroce imprudence! Therese, c'est l'Anglais que tu vends a la France: Theresa! it is England thou art selling to France;" Yes, a thing worth noting. "Thy generous support in thy first adversities; thy one friend then, when a world had risen to devour thee. Thou reignest now: but it was England alone that saved thee anything to reign over!

This was the case last summer, when General Dessolles's brother was transferred from the Bishopric of Digne to that of Chambry, and Bonaparte nominated for his successor the brother of General Miollis, who was a curate of Brignoles, in the diocese of Aix.

And if I am not an excellent husband to the demoiselle, it will be her own fault. I have sown my wild oats. Je suis bon prince, when I have things a little my own way. It is my hope and my intention, and certainly it will be my interest, to become digne epoux et irreprochable pere de famille. I speak lightly, 't is my way. I mean seriously.

To-day theologians argue on different sides; and anxiety, serious, painful and life-long, reigns in the souls of many who struggle to recite the office, digne, attente ac devote. Authors generally give six causes which excuse a person from saying the Hours: lawful dispensation, important work, grave illness, grave fear, blindness, want of a Breviary. They are recorded in the well-known lines:

"Mais ce qui est digne de la plus grande attention dans cette contrée, est un filon peu distant nomme Buchenberg, qui appartient en partie au Roi, et en partie