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I told Le Grand Diable in habitant French which the rascal understands that I could obtain a good ransom for his prisoners. He left me alone in the lodge for some hours, I think to spy upon me and learn if I tried to speak to Miriam; but I lay still as a log and pretended to sleep.

"Diable, what is this?" the Communist went on, "I believe the Commissary is dead." He hurried round to the back of the table. It was as he said, the shot fired as the man fell had struck him in the heart, and he had died without a cry or a movement. "Morbleau," another of the Communists exclaimed, "we came here to witness a comedy, and it has turned into a tragedy."

She put her fingers through the bars, and he bent to kiss them, coming, as he did so, in contact with two little files of the hardest steel. "Diable!" he said. "I had them in my hat. I made them serve as the stems of these lilies." "Ze woman she make ze wily t'ing. How young and charmante she seem for one so like ze fox! Ah, Corinne, my sweetest lofe " "You don't mean that." "Not mean him!

"Diable! not your name, but the name of the thing I want." "What do you want, sir?" "That thing that draws a coach, a four-legged thing; you strike it with a whip." "A horse, do you mean?" "Pas donc! They don't call it that." "A forspont?" "That's it, that's it. A forspont! I want a forspont immediately." "I have none, sir; all my horses are out to grass." "C'est triste! Then here I'll remain.

"Diable!" exclaimed they on finding that their coats were gone, "we have pushed too far!" Fifth edition. London. 1688. Fuller, while admitting that "an hundred fopperies are forged and fathered on the townsfolk of Gotham," maintains that "Gotham doth breed as wise people as any which laugh at their simplicity." Collier's Bibliographical Account, etc., vol. i., p. 327.

The art of word-painting a dubious and dangerous art is pushed to almost its furthest limits; the writer has a wonderful gift of combining the minutest and most numerous details into an orderly and intelligible whole; and the quality which the French untranslatably call diable au corps, or, as we more pedantically say, "dæmonic energy," is present everywhere.

The year following she went to Naples, where a brother of the King fell desperately in love with her. Mademoiselle Elssler went soon afterwards to Paris, where her wit electrified all the fashionable world, and her dancing and acting in the Diable Boiteux made the fortune of the entrepreneur.

"The black nuns then rose and sang a hymn, every now and then falling on their faces and touching the floor with their foreheads. The whole looked like an incantation, or a scene in Robert le Diable. The novice was then raised from the ground and led to the feet of the Bishop, who examined her as to her vocation, and gave her his blessing, and once more the black curtain fell between us and them.

'The officer, my friends, I said, 'M. le Capitaine Larolle. 'Where is he? 'DIABLE! but who are you, first? the lanthorn-bearer retorted bluntly. He was a tall, lanky sergeant, with a sinister face. 'Well, I am not M. de Cocheforet, I replied; 'and that must satisfy you, my man. For the rest, if you do not fetch Captain Larolle at once and admit me, you will find the consequences inconvenient.

Jenny Lind has always regarded the character of Agatha as the keystone of her fame. From the night of this performance she was the declared favorite of the Swedish public, and continued for a year and a half the star of the opera of Stockholm, performing in "Euryanthe," "Robert le Diable," "La Vestale," of Spontini, and other operas.