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There was also a certain peculiar devil-may-care recklessness about the self-satisfied swagger of his gait, and the free and easy glance of his sharp black eye, united with a temper that nothing could ruffle, and a courage nothing could daunt.

The same intelligent eye, the same cheery expression, the same devil-may-care manner and dry humour " "Answer my question, will you?" the merchant interrupted savagely. "And the same hasty timper," continued the major imperturbably. "I've forgotten, me dear sir, what it was you asked me." "What is it you want?" "Ah, yes, of course. What is it I want?" the old soldier said meditatively.

By either title, or in whatever capacity, the worthy Father had great influence over his parish, and there was a free-and-easy way with him, even in doing the most solemn duties, which agreed wonderfully with the devil-may-care spirit of Paddy.

His companion was a dark, handsome fellow, of Hungarian gipsy type. There was a devil-may-care air about him that fitted him well. It was Steinbock. He was dressed with scrupulous care, in spite of the fact that he wore riding clothes. It is possible that he recognized the importance of the event. One did not write one's name under a princess' signature every day, even in mockery.

Now it was full of devil-may-care, as if he shrugged his shoulders at a loss at cards, and in that second it fell upon her standing in horror. "Ah, Ma'amselle!" he called, across the surging feathers; "the tune changes! But you have my heart, and I, I have one kiss! Adieu, my Maid of the Long Trail! The chance was worth its turning." Then the shining head sank into the mass and she heard no more.

Curzon, holding the letter in his hand, and bringing back to his memory the handsome face and devil-may-care expression of his tutor, remembers how the joke had widened, and reached its height when, at forty years of age, old Wynter had flung up his classes, leaving them all planté la as it were, and declared his intention of starting life anew and making a pile for himself in some new world.

And now, while we follow him on his way up-town, it may be just as well for us to note that up to this precise moment our devil-may-care, still rather handsome Mr. Dalton, with the drooping eyelids and cold, hard lips, had entirely failed to grasp the idea that, in so far as public and private morals were concerned, he had in the last thirty minutes fallen to the level of a common sneak-thief.

The bravos looked at one another uneasily, trying to seem devil-may-care and failing wofully. Nobody appeared to want to speak. At last Passepoil spoke. "That some one is Louis de Nevers," he said, and wished heartily that he did not have to say it. Lagardere at first appeared to be puzzled by the answer.

Pierre raised his head towards the sound; then after a moment, said: "I know Fingall." "And the woman? Tell me." "And the girl. Fingall was all fire and heart, and devil-may-care. She she was not beautiful except in the eye, but that was like a flame of red and blue. Her hair, too then would trip her up, if it hung loose. That was all, except that she loved him too much.

"An' ye did?" asked Coolin, open-mouthed and staring; for never had he seen Connor with aught on his face but a devil-may-care smile. "Ordered away we was next avenin', an' sorra the glimpse of Mary Haggarty to me for Headquarters is a lady that will not be denied. Away we wint overseas.