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"Warum denn?" said I, quite astonished at her R -l H -ss's question. The P -cess then spoke of some trifle from my pen, which was simply signed Goliah Gahagan. There was, unluckily, a dead silence as H. R. H. put this question. "Comment donc?" said H. M. Lo-is Ph-l-ppe, looking gravely at Count Mole; "le cher Major a quitte l'armee! Nicolas donc sera maitre de l'Inde!" H. M and the Pr.

One lady sent her three shirts for me, and another a pair of shoes, and Farmer Denn, who had a son who was lost overboard at sea, sent me a whole suit of the lad's clothes. People were very kind. To my mind there are a good many kind people in the world, if we did but know where to find them. I won't tell about the leave-taking. I don't like, even now, to think about it.

Many of my readers never heard of him before; nor, in writing or otherwise, is there symptom that any living memory now harbors him, or has the least approach to an image of him! "For the times are babbly," says Goethe," And then again the times are dumb: Denn geschwatzig sind die Zeiten, Und sie sind auch wieder stumm."

The type is described in Schiller's Song of the Founding of the Bell: Denn, wo das strenge mit dem zarten, Wo mildes sich und starkes paarten, Da giebt es einen guten Klang. There is a tendency to apply the term "miraculous" to the career of every hero, and in a sense such description is, of course, true.

"Strange," said I, "how terms of what in another man I should call laziness alternate with your fits of splendid energy and vigor." "Yes," he answered, "there are in me the makings of a very fine loafer and also of a pretty spry sort of fellow. I often think of those lines of old Goethe, Schade dass die Natur nur EINEN Mensch aus Dir schuf, Denn zum wuerdigen Mann war und zum Schelmen der Stoff.

Denn Spinnen werden oben ein Wohl gar noch meine Mörder seyn.” This poem is a rather successful bit of ridicule cast on the over-sentimental who sought to follow Yorick’s foot-prints. The other allusions to Sterne are concerned with his hobby-horse idea, for this seems to gain the poet’s approbation and to have no share in his censure.

We should take care not to be always looking for it in the decidedly pure and moral. Everything that is great promotes cultivation as soon as we are aware of it." Thursday, February 12. "I wrote this poem," said he, "in contradiction to my lines 'Denn alles muss zu nichts zerfallen Wenn es im Seyn beharren will, etc.

'Now denn for de conditions of peace. Mees Rose, vill you kindly tune up? You are as moch beaten as the French at Sedan. 'Not a stone of my fortresses, not an inch of my territory! said Rose, with fine emphasis, crossing her white wrists before her. The Hungarian looked at her, the wild poetic strain in him which was the strain of race asserting itself.

Sie muessen so freundlich sein, und verzeih mich die interlarding von ein oder zwei Englischer Worte, hie und da, denn ich finde dass die deutsche is not a very copious language, and so when you've really got anything to say, you've got to draw on a language that can stand the strain.

Es freut mich dass dies so ist, denn es muss, in ein hauptsächlich degree, höflich sein, dass man auf ein occasion like this, sein Rede in die Sprache des Landes worin he boards, aussprechen soll. Dafuer habe ich, aus reinische Verlegenheit no, Vergangenheit no, I mean Höflichkeit aus reinishe Höflichkeit habe ich resolved to tackle this business in the German language, um Gottes willen! Also!