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I took long journeys and underwent great privations; I had dreamed of him in my sleep, and here suddenly I had him in my fingers for myself! "'So halt' ich's endlich denn in meinen Handen, Und nenn' es in gewissem Sinne mein." He gave to the last word the emphasis of a suddenly lowered voice, and withdrew his eyes slowly from my face.

Kann danzen nu, un kann ock spinnen, Denn alle mine teigen Finger, De dohn nich mihr weh, De dohn nioh mihr weh! A pretty pair of shoes for thee! Alas, my mother! let me hear What use are pretty shoes to me! I cannot dance I cannot spin: And why these promised shoes to win! O mother mine. I will not take Thy kindly gift. My fingers ache! Spin, spin, my little daughter dear!

"Denn wir können die Kinder nach unserem Willen nicht formen, So wie Gott sie uns gab, so muss man sie lieben und haben, Sie erzielen aufs best und jeglichen lassen gewähren."

Ihr führt ins Leben uns hinein; Ihr lässt den armen schuldig werden; Dann übergiebt Ihr ihm der Pein, Denn alle Schuld rächt sich auf Erden.

'Denn Patroklus liegt begraben, Und Thersites kommt zurück, his illustration is only half right. The Greek Thersites did not return to claim a pension." The dash of bitterness in this remark must not be taken too seriously. The fact remains, however, that among the veterans of the South there prevails a certain feeling of aloofness from the national jubilation over the Spanish War.

Sie muessen so freundlich sein, und verzeih mich die interlarding von ein oder zwei Englischer Worte, hie und da, denn ich finde dass die deutsche is not a very copious language, and so when you've really got anything to say, you've got to draw on a language that can stand the strain.

So denn, you traw a cheque to die order of our frient tu Tillet, and I vill sent it, same tay, to der Bank mit mein zignature; so shall you haf, at four o'clock, der amount of die cheque you trew in der morning; and at der costs of die Bank. I vill not receif a commission, no! I vill haf only der blaysure to be agreeaple to you.

Prinzen vom Land hinaus, Denn kommt der Bürger Schmaus; Aristokraten Werden gebraten; Fürsten and Pfaffen die werden gehangt!” “Drive out the prince and priest, Then comes the burger’s feast; Each aristocrat Shall broil in his fat, And nobles and bigoted bishops be hanged.” From Berlin to Leipsic by rail, in an open carriage, is not the most interesting journey in the world.

And yet, with the Kassandra of Eulenberg, Berlioz could have said at the moment when it seemed as though eternal night were about to obscure him forever: "Einst treibt der Frühling uns in neuer Blüthe Empor ans Licht; Leben, wir scheiden nicht, Denn ewig bleibet, was in uns erglühte Und drängt sich ewig wieder auf zum Licht!"

With a grasp on this rock, Carlyle springs from the slough of despond and asserts himself: Denn ich bin ein Mensch gewesen Und das heisst ein Kaempfer seyn. He finds in persistent action, energy, and courage a present strength, and a lamp of at least such partial victory as he lived to achieve. He would not make his judgment blind; He faced the spectres of the mind,