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"Yes!" said Mrs Weston, hastily finishing her champagne, for she saw Foljambe coming near "Yes, Ahab Crowe. He married, too, just like Atkinson is going to, and that's an odd coincidence in itself. I tell the Colonel that if Ahab Crowe hadn't married, he would be with him still, and who can say that he'd have fancied Elizabeth?

Thousands a year he would have paid to be rid of his adventure; but thousands a year, he knew well, were of no avail. He might have sent over some English Mr. Crowe with offers almost royal; but he had been able so to discern the persons concerned as to know that royal offers, of which the royalty would be simply money royalty, could be of no avail.

John Crowe was a noisy, blatant, meddlesome fellow, the keeper of a livery stable on Kearny street, and a fierce denouncer of the Committee. There was nothing else to his discredit, so far as I could learn at the time. Reub.

Crowe and Cavalcaselle state that the whole four perished in the all-devouring conflagration of the Pardo Palace, and put down the Prometheus and Sisyphus of the Prado Gallery as copies by Sanchez Coello. It is difficult to form a definite judgment on canvases so badly hung, so darkened and injured. They certainly look much more like Venetian originals than Spanish copies.

"There can be very little good, I think, in your talking to her Mr. Crowe. She has told me that you both consider the engagement at an end." "But that's impossible, Mrs. Ellicott that's too absurd" Oliver felt too much as if he were fighting for life against something invisible to be careful about his words.

Lunn knocked a large flat book off the end of the sofa for no other reason than to tell him that it was one of Captain Witherspoon's old log-books which she had taken great pleasure in reading. She did not explain that it was asked for because of other records; her late husband had also been in command one voyage of the ship Mary Susan. Captain Crowe went grumbling away down the street.

Honest Crowe thought himself scurvily used by a man whom he had cultivated with such humility and veneration; and, after an incoherent ejaculation of sea oaths, went in quest of his nephew, in order to make him acquainted with this unlucky transaction. In the meantime, Sir Launcelot, having ordered supper, retired into his own chamber, and gave a loose to the most tender emotions of his heart.

Both the main gate and wicket were fastened, and the lodge-keeper's wife was gazing at them through the bars. "Hello, Mrs. Crowe, don't you know me?" cried Hume. "My gracious, It's Mr. David!" gasped the woman. "Why are the gates locked?" "Mrs. Capella is not receiving visitors, sir." "Is she ill?" "No, sir. Indisposed, I think Mr. Capella said." "Well, she will receive me, at any rate."

And Mrs. Crowe, though dutifully rebuking her for her flippant treatment of a brother's pain, agreed with the sense of her remarks, if not with the wording. It had taken a good deal of quiet obstinacy on the part of the whole family to get Oliver to accept Peter Piper's invitation Mrs.

The results of these archivistic researches are being published in the Repertorium für Kunstwissenschaft. For the evidence, see Magazine of Art, April 1893. Meravig, i. 126. See Crowe and Cavalcaselle, ii. 141. Crowe and Cavalcaselle, ibid. ii. 213. We now know that he died in 1510. Crowe and Cavalcaselle, ii. 119. Bode: Cicerone.