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His friend looked hastily at him, for the fire was still burning fitfully on the shore, though robbed of its best brands by the negroes. "What dye think of doing running those critters off gee, it's a big proposition for a couple of boys, Maurice." "The running's all right, but you get the cart before the horse. It's us who are to do the skipping, while they enjoy that fish a little later.

Don't want no truck with them critters." "That's all right, old dear. You just keep right on with the outfit, and if a lumberjack so much as looks at you, set the bear on him. I know what Henry can do in that direction, having had a run-in with him myself." "Don't ye 'old-dear' me!" growled Joe. "Started that agin, have ye? Miss Wingate, if ye don't tame that husband of yers with a club, I will."

Flies live in the summer and die in winter, you're jist as noisy in war as those little critters, but you sing small in peace. No, your done for, you are up a tree, you may depend; pride must fall. Your town is like a ball room arter a dance. The folks have eat, drank, and frolicked, and left an empty house; the lamps and hangings are left, but the people are gone.

"I can just tell you this," interrupted the fat lady: "I don’t enjoy occupying premises after hawgs, no matter how fashionable you name ’em. A hawg’s a hawg, with manners according, if it’s named after the President of the United States or the King of England." "That’s just what I used to think, marm, of all critters before I enjoyed that degree of friendliness that I’m now proud to own.

"Gosh-a-livin's!" he exclaimed as a new thought struck him. "I wonder which one of 'em Jake got. Now that young Doc Stubbins ain't got no more sense 'n a louse. I ought t' 'a' told John an' I forgot. Lord! Lord! th' chances th' poor critters have t' take!" Mrs. Chamberlain was awakened in the gray light of morning as her husband crept shivering into bed. "Where you been?" she asked.

"But the other butcher ain't much better," cried another troubled housewife. "And the flies!" "Oh, the awful flies!" chorused several. "Them critters is a pest, an' that's a fac'," declared Mrs. Scattergood. "Talk abeout the plagues o' Egypt " "But Miz' Petrie was tellin' us how Boston was different " "My soul and body!" gasped Mrs. Beasely. "I reckon she's told us enough.

Now, as you have lost your mate, you are an odd one, and if you are lookin' for another to put its head into the yoke, you ought to go frolickin' everywhere too!" "Do single critters ever look for mates?" said he, slily. "Well done," said I, "friend Jehu. The drake had the best of the duck that time.

"I tell ye, I've travelled to the four quarters of the 'arth, ma," said he; "and set eyes on the tarnalest critters under God's canopy, but I never see anybody yit that 'ud fit into that 'ere. Besides," he added, knowingly, in a milder tone; "I reckin that 'ere stockin's meant for somebody nearer hum, and a pretty straight-legged fellow, too."

Home is the place where your everyday clothes are, and where somebody, or something needs you. They didn't need me over there in England. Lord no! I was sick for the sight of a Navajo blanket. My shack's glowing with them. And my books needed me, and the boys, and the critters, and Kate." "Kate?" repeated Miss Meron, quickly. "Kate's my horse. I'm going back on the 5:25 to-night.

Polly had a spinning-wheel and Jerusha a hand-loom, and that is where our cloth came from. I raised corn and grass and potatoes, and we had plenty of apples, and what fun we had at huskin' parties and apple parings! I took care of my horses, oxen, cows, and sheep, pigs, too, and had to kill my own critters and cure the hams we used.