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Updated: August 5, 2024

Really, these men seemed to have no conscience. Two coats! and he had estimated for only three. 'Crass! 'Yes, sir. 'Come here! 'Yes, sir. Crass came hurrying along. 'What's the meaning of this? Didn't I tell you to make this do with one coat? Look at it! 'It's like this, sir, said Crass. 'If it had been washed down 'Washed down be damned, shouted Hunter.

Then he peeped into the kitchen, where Crass was still seated by the fire, smoking and toasting one of the bloaters at the end of a pointed stick. Bert wished he would go upstairs, or anywhere, so that he himself might go and have a warm at the fire. ''E might just as well 'ave let me do them bloaters, he muttered to himself, regarding Crass malignantly through the crack of the door.

So it would be manifestly libelous, ungentlemanly and proof conclusive of crass ignorance to assert that Samson in his capacity of commissioner employed spies to watch Gungadhura Singh. He had no public fund from which to pay spies. If you don't believe that, then ponder over a copy of the Indian Estimates. Every rupee is accounted for.

'The reason is that the colour ain't thick enough. Take the paint and put a little more body in it and we'll soon see whether it can be done or not. I can make it cover if you can't. Crass took the paint, and, superintended by Hunter, made it thicker. Misery then seized the brush and prepared to demonstrate the possibility of finishing the work with one coat.

It was the crass stupidity of the Church that had caused it for its self-protection, it fancied to bitterly oppose every truth that was revealed to man. The Church had tortured and burned at the stake the great men to whom God had revealed the great facts of nature's workings the motion of the earth and the other planets.

'Come on, man, whispered Philpot, winking his goggle eye persuasively at Owen. 'Come on, just for a bit of turn, to pass the time away. Owen accordingly ascended the steps much to the secret delight of Crass and was immediately greeted with a round of enthusiastic applause. 'There you are, you see, said Philpot, addressing the meeting.

Measure thirty-two feet from the mouth of the tunnel, dig one foot in depth, and you came upon the mother-lode of this gold-bearing rock. This, then, was the secret of the cave. The Chinese knew the richness of the deposit, and exploited its treasures by quarrying from the other side of the hill. But their crass ignorance of modern science led to their undoing.

There are hundreds of men lying in unmarked graves in African soil to-day who ought to be alive and well, others who have been done to death by the crass ignorance, the appalling stupidity, the damnable conceit which will brook no teaching. I have seen men die like dogs, men who left comfortable homes in the old land to go forth to uphold the power and prestige of our nation's flag.

And it was closely allied to his most deep and moral quality the power of making a decision. Those decisions might be "crass" and stupid, conduce to unnecessary suffering, have no relation to morality or reason; but he could make them, and he could stick to them. By virtue of this power he was where he was, had been for centuries, and hoped to be for centuries to come. It was in his blood.

No factory chimneys defile with their smoke its calm air, or defy its august and heaven-searching spires. No rabble of factory hands shocks its few and sedate streets. Divine Providence, according to the devout, and the crass stupidity of the local authorities seventy years ago, according to progressive minds, turned the main line of railway twenty miles from the sacred spot.

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