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They're "conscientious objectors" that's what they are an my husband coom across them in Kendal toother day. He'd finished wi t' market, and he strolled into the room at the Town Hall, where the men were coomin' in yo know to sign on for the war. An' he got talkin' wi' these two lads, who were lookin' on as he was.

And they said they was "conscientious objectors" and wouldn't fight not for nothing nor nobody. But they wouldn't mind doing their bit in other ways, they said. So John he upped and said would they coom and help him with his second crop o' hay you know we've lost nearly all our men, Mrs. Sarratt and they said they would and that very evening he brought 'em along. And who do you think they are?

From the colour of his skin. From "Coom," to kill, and "assie," under, meaning under the large Banian, or Indian fig-tree, that stands in the market-place, opposite to the palace. This was a very splendid tent that had been presented to him some years before by the Dutch Governor, General Daendals.

It's nobody's minding that keeps sike men as thou afloat. Noo then, where be'est thou coomin' to? Dang it, dinnot coom treadin' ower me, mun.

I doan't believe as yo're a bit happy i' yor mind! Coom away! we'se luke after you we're your aan kith an kin!" Laura paused in Polly's arm. Then she turned her wild face the eyes half closed, the pale lips passionately smiling. "I'll come, Polly, when I'm dead or my heart's dead not before!" And, wrenching herself away, she ran down the path.

'Ay, he would, mum, sez I, 'for he's fond o' laady's coompany. Coom here, Rip, an' speeak to this kind laady. An'Rip, seein' 'at t'mongoose hed getten clean awaay, cooms up like t' gentleman he was, nivver a hauporth shy or okkord. 'Oh, you beautiful you prettee dog! she says, clippin' an' chantin' her speech in a way them sooart has o' their awn; 'I would like a dog like you.

"Could you take me up in your waggon, if you're going towards Ashby?" said Hetty. "I'll pay you for it." "Aw," said the big fellow, with that slowly dawning smile which belongs to heavy faces, "I can take y' up fawst enough wi'out bein' paid for't if you dooant mind lyin' a bit closish a-top o' the wool-packs. Where do you coom from? And what do you want at Ashby?" "I come from Stoniton.

'D'yo think as theer's onybody in Haworth as would lend me a seet o' yan o' Miss Bronte's tales for an hour? he said, reddening furiously, as they stopped at the sexton's gate. 'Why to be sure, mon, said the sexton cheerily, pleased with the little opening for intelligent patronage. 'Coom your ways in, and we'll see if we can't oblige yo.

"It goes to my heart, mother, that the money we earn so hardly, and which should be kept to comfort your old age, should go for nothing, or worse." "I will do it no more. Make yer heart aisy, honey. Never a penny o' mine will the praste hould in his hand again." "He will visit you, mother." "An' what o' that? Let him coom.

"He had ne'er a one on his neck when I coom upon him," says Tom. "So we putten this one on for a makeshift." "It's mair than leekly, my lady," thus old Archibald "that he will have slipped from out his ain by reason of eempairfect workmanship of the clasp.