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'She wur always as skittish and full o' tricks as a 'Well, as a what? said his wife. 'As a woman, returned John. 'Ding! But I dinnot know ought else that cooms near it.

'Say thee say out, Fanny, and mak' sure it's the end, and dinnot ask nobody whether it is or not. 'Thanking you for your advice which was not required, Mr Browdie, returned Miss Squeers, with laborious politeness, 'have the goodness not to presume to meddle with my Christian name. Even my pity shall never make me forget what's due to myself, Mr Browdie.

'I dinnot know whether thou'd ever dreamt of it, though I think that's loike eneaf, mind, retorted John; 'but thou didst it. "Ye're a feeckle, changeable weathercock, lass," says I. "Not feeckle, John," says she. "Yes," says I, "feeckle, dom'd feeckle. Dinnot tell me thou bean't, efther yon chap at schoolmeasther's," says I. "Him!" says she, quite screeching.

I assured him that I never drank fermented liquors. "Aw? Eh? How can yow do that then? Die o' cowd i' the fen, that gate, yow would. Love ye then! they as dinnot tak' spirits down thor, tak' their pennord o' elevation, then women-folk especial." "What's elevation?"

The coffin-lid clanged to the ground; then all was still, an awful silence filled the room. A moment more, and a cry of terror rose to the roof, for the man beside me was down on his knees before the corpse in an ecstasy of terror. 'Never accuse me, Ephraim! Dinnot terrify us that gate, feyther! he cried in anguish.

'I have the best reason to be impressed with the feeling, mind, said Nicholas; 'for if it had not been for your kindness of heart, my good friend, when I had no right or reason to expect it, I know not what might have become of me or what plight I should have been in by this time. 'Talk aboot soom'at else, replied John, gruffly, 'and dinnot bother.

'Tell'ee wa'at though, said John seriously, when a great deal had been said on both sides, 'to return to schoolmeasther. If this news aboot 'un has reached school today, the old 'ooman wean't have a whole boan in her boddy, nor Fanny neither. 'Oh, John! cried Mrs Browdie. 'Ah! and Oh, John agean, replied the Yorkshireman. 'I dinnot know what they lads mightn't do.

'Say what thou'st gotten to say then, sir, retorted John; 'and tak' care thou dinnot put up angry bluid which thou'dst betther try to quiet. 'Don't speak to him, said Nicholas, recovering his voice. 'I will not have it. I will not hear him. I do not know that man. I cannot breathe the air that he corrupts. His presence is an insult to my sister. It is shame to see him. I will not bear it.

Dinnot let the weedur send her lattle boy to yan o' our school-measthers, while there's a harse to hoold in a' Lunnun, or a gootther to lie asleep in. Ar wouldn't mak' ill words amang my neeburs, and ar speak tiv'ee quiet loike.

It's nobody's minding that keeps sike men as thou afloat. Noo then, where be'est thou coomin' to? Dang it, dinnot coom treadin' ower me, mun.