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But twant no laughin' when he come home on a furlough an' went back. Dey was cryin' den. "Endurin' de war, de white folks made dey clo'es same as de Niggers. Old Mis' made dye an' dyed de thread. She made pretty cloth. "My ma was de firs' to leave de plantation after de surrender. All de other Niggers had a contrac' to stay, but she didn'. She went to Newton County an' hired out.

Oak stood somewhat as Eros is represented when in the act of sharpening his arrows: his figure slightly bent, the weight of his body thrown over on the shears, and his head balanced side- ways, with a critical compression of the lips and contrac- tion of the eyelids to crown the attitude.

But not one penny do you nor they handle till the job is finished." "That's all right, Elder," drawled the Georgian. "That's 'cordin' to contrac', I know. I don't keer for myself. But Narnay and that other feller are mighty hongree for a li'le change." "Powerful thirsty, ye mean!" snorted the elder. "Wa-al mebbe so! mebbe so!" agreed Trimmins, with a weak grin.

When the contrac' was signed of my wages, it was never wrote down that I had to run at any time." And having now reached the fruit-house, he was just pulling out his big key, when something almost like shame showed itself in his ruddy face, as a decided and somewhat mocking voice addressed him. "Well, Nicholas, I'm just amazed at ye!

It depends largely upon how a pout is took, whether it'll contrac' itself into a hard knot an' give trouble or thess loosen up into a good-natured smile, an' the oftener they are let out that-a-way, the seldomer they'll come.

"Well," said the breaker, "I got a sorter contrac' t' break so many yards. If you'll do it at bob a yard you can get gain' on the other end iv th' 'eap." The price was far below current rates for cutting metal, but Nickie was not penurious and grasping.

"How's he going to get the milk to the creamery?" demanded Mr. Carter, shrewdly. Si's eyes twinkled. "That's his part of the contrac'; 'tain't mine," he said. "But if ye ax me, I tell ye honest, Mr. Conductor, I don't see how Peleg's goin' ter do it. This is a sight the heaviest snow we've had for ten year." "What'll you sell that milk for?" interrupted the anxious conductor.

Some peculiar, I allow: but this here stoppin' and turnin' an' playin' up is altogether outside the contrac', Jan. Clean contr'y to discipline. Come, mush on there! D'ye hear me? Mush on, the lot o' ye." It may be that, if he had had no reason for haste, Jim Willis would have gone farther in the matter of investigating Jan's peculiar conduct.

"'I wonder where ole Pierpont's at? I hears Chick say to Skinny. 'Gone East to see one of his hosses prepped fur the Brooklyn, I guess. "'Naw, says Skinny; 'you got that wrong. He's goin' to send a stable to Urope, 'n' Todd Sloan's tryin' to get a contrac' from him as exercise-boy. Ole Pierpont's watchin' Todd work out a few so he kin size up his style.

"Howdy?" he said, while he loosened the cinches of his saddle. "What's brought you around?" asked Nevil, ungraciously enough. Seth turned toward the trees about him. "Pretty tidy patch," he observed. "We're wantin' big timbers up at the farm. Mebbe you'd notion a contrac'?" Nevil had noted the loosening of the cinches. He laughed shortly. "I'm not taking contracts, thanks.