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In the more severe cases the respirations are hurried and labored, the pulse small and quick and the expression of the face indicates pain. Colicky pains sometimes occur. Death may occur from shock or asphyxia. The treatment is both preventive and curative. This disease can be prevented by using the necessary precautions to prevent animals from overeating.

Sooner or later, in most instances of the severe form of this disease, emboli from the ulcerations in the heart reach the different organs of the body, and of course the symptoms will depend on the place in which the emboli locate. If in the abdomen, there are colicky pains with disturbances, depending on the organs affected; if in the brain, there may be paralysis, more or less complete.

This time he thought he could detect colicky symptoms, and he began to encourage them with considerable hope. But they soon grew feeble, and presently died wholly away. He reflected further. Suddenly he discovered something. One of his upper front teeth was loose.

He was better than he had been during the night, but still looked a good deal discouraged. It was a regular matinee that day. The Surgeon and his assistants were all on hand, as the various squads, colicky and cadaverous, came to a focus in front of the tent. The doctors worked off the patients at a rapid rate, generally prescribing the same medicine for all, no matter what ailed them.

She was a tall, angular creature, the mother of fifteen, comprising in their number three sets of twins. She held her snuff-stick between her teeth and the child on her lap, with an easy professional air. "I hain't never had to raise none o' mine by hand since Martin Luther," she remarked. "I've been mighty glad on it, for he was a sight o' trouble. Kinder colicky and weakly.

Professor Delafond, of Alfort, gives a most interesting and complete table of the usual diagnostic symptoms of pleurisy and pneumonia. 'Commencement of the Inflammation'. Shivering, usually accompanied by slight colicky pains, and followed by general or partial sweating. Inspiration always short, unequal, and interrupted; expiration full; air expired of the natural temperature.

First I knew, I got to missin' a right smart o' sleep that really belonged to me; 'cause, while I'm opposed to speakin' ill o' the absent, I'd just about as soon try to sleep with a colicky hoss as with Bill an' the pup.

Jennings, though regretting that she had not been five minutes earlier, was satisfied with the compromise; and Elinor, as she swallowed the chief of it, reflected, that though its effects on a colicky gout were, at present, of little importance to her, its healing powers, on a disappointed heart might be as reasonably tried on herself as on her sister.

Because, you jade, you've all but driven a twenty-pound rooster clean through it beak, spurs and tail feathers that's why!" bawled the doctor. "Gad! I shall be black and blue for a fortnight! I'm colicky now: I need a mustard-plaster!" "Two mustard-plasters," I insisted severely: "one on your tongue and the other on your temper!" "Temper?" flared the doctor, and flung up his arms. "Temper?

Slop containing alkaline washing powders and soaps irritate the stomach and intestines and cause a serious inflammation. The symptoms are loss of appetite, restlessness and sometimes colicky pains. The hog usually wanders off by itself, acts dull, grunts, lies down in a quiet place or stands with the back arched and the abdomen held tense. Vomiting commonly occurs.