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This was Chicago. Bannon climbed to the ground and took a last look about the work before going to the office. The annex was growing slowly but surely; and Peterson, coatless and hatless as usual, with sleeves rolled up, was at work with the men, swinging a hammer here, impatiently shouldering a bundle of planks there.

There was a very inhospitable looking bed, two shake-downs, and four Windsor chairs in more or less state of dilapidation all occupied likewise. A country glass lamp was balanced on a rough shelf, and under it a young man sat absorbed in making notes, and apparently oblivious to the noise around him. Every gentleman in the room was collarless, coatless, tieless, and vestless.

It was perhaps due to the seeming completeness of his cure that her relations with Mr. Gilman had been what they were. ... And now, suddenly, this! So with clear conscience she pulled the bell cord. Musa himself opened the door. He was coatless and in a dressing-gown, under which showed glimpses of a new smartness. As soon as he saw her he went very pale. "Bon jour," she said.

Miss Barb," whispered Johanna, "but dis-yeh town is change'! New hotel! brick! th'ee sto'ies high!" Barbara touched her for silence. "But look at de new sto'es!" murmured the girl. Negroes the men in dirty dusters, the women in smart calicoes, girls in dowdy muslins and boy's hats and mountain whites, coatless men, shoeless women hung about the counters dawdling away their small change.

He was coatless, as Louisa had said, and the extremities of his long arms were bulged out with cream-coloured boxing-gloves. She sprang at him and kissed him. 'Steve, she said, 'are we friends? 'I should think we were! he replied, returning her kiss heartily. He had won. 'What are you doing? she asked him. 'Bittenger and I are just going to have a real round with the gloves.

From the wrecked coaches, above the sound of hissing steam and crackling flames, came groans and shrieks and screams of tortured men and women and children. Then, quickly, the hatless, coatless, and half dressed forms of the more fortunate ones ran here and there. Voices were heard calling and answering.

Sandusky, coatless, was dressed in a white shirt, with a red tie, and wore a soiled, figured waistcoat fastened at the bottom by a cut-glass button. The Sleepy Cat gossip commented on how much money these men had been spending all day. She wondered aloud, reckless apparently of consequences, who had been robbed, lately, to provide it.

He said, 'Good-bye, Johnny: I said, 'Good-bye, and found myself shooting up into space on a cold, rainy October day, coatless, without ropes, anchor or valve-cord, the rags of the balloon fluttering in the breeze created by the sudden ascent; the multitude vociferously cheering me one moment and the next calling me to come back for God's sake!

A cur yelped at their feet as they approached the house, and an old man, coatless and slippered, opened the door, holding an oil lamp high above his head. "Down, Rover! What do you want?" he shouted. "We've got to have a rig to take us to Winnetka," said Orme. "Our car broke down." The old man reflected. "Can't do it," he said, at last. "All shet up fer the night. Can't leave the missus alone."

Count Victor said never a word, but placed the weapon in a corner of the room, made a deep congé, and went forth a prisoner. In the last few minutes of the interview he had forgotten the cold, but now when he was led into the open air he felt it in his coatless condition more poignant than his apprehension at his position otherwise.