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Her voice was rich and though she looked above, away from and through Warble, yet she saw her. "So glad to welcome you, you pretty baby," she chirruped. "You're going to love us all, aren't you?" "Yop," said Warble, and smiled her engaging smile. "You bet she'll love us," declared Leathersham, "she'll make the world go round!

"There she is," he said, "and you-all just watch my smoke. There's millions here for the man who can see them. And I seen all them millions this afternoon when them seven hundred dollars peeped up at me from the bottom of the pan and chirruped, 'Well, if here ain't Burning Daylight come at last."

Beyond them were fields, and again fields. Silence. The lowing of the oxen returning from the fields, and the shrill cries of the peasants at the plow were to be heard: "Ihi!... Fat innanz'!..." Grasshoppers chirruped in the trees, frogs croaked by the waterside. And at night there was infinite silence under the silver beams of the moon.

A sound like an insect. "'Twould be a good signal," the teacher had said. Would he remember it? Andy pressed close to the broken glass, and chirruped distinctly. The master started and raised his eyes. Was he dreaming! Again Andy ventured. Then a smile flitted across the master's face. "Andy!" he breathed. "Here, close to you!"

Look 'ee there;" and she pointed to the broad lintel of her window, which had been scattered over with crumbs; where, busily picking them up, were two robin redbreasts, who chirruped thankfully, and watched Martha with bright curious eyes. "Mary Clough's coming to dinner to-morrow, and her and Ben are going to t' chapel together.

But if he's going to cover us with yew-leaves, he's set himself a job. Helena laughed again, and shivered. He put his arm round her, drawing her nearer his warmth. After this new and daring move neither spoke for a while. 'The rain continues, he said. 'And will do, she added, laughing. 'Quite content, he said. The bird overhead chirruped loudly again.

Within another circle of fires chirruped and gossiped the "boys," while around an immense glowing heap of logs sat the white folk the "big fellow fools" of the party, with scorching faces and freezing backs, too conservative to learn wisdom from their humbler neighbours.

As the driver chirruped to the horses and they clattered over the bumpy road, Grace turned to Betty with a smile. "I have realized the ambition of a life time!" she said dramatically. "I have seen one handsome cowboy!" To the girls, that jolting ride was like an adventure straight from the Arabian Nights.

The veil did her positive service. He was honourably scrupulous not to presume. A right good unimpulsive gentleman: the same that she had always taken him for and liked. 'These firs are not taproots, he observed, by way of apology. Her dress volumed and her ribands rattled and chirruped on the verge of the slope. 'I will take your arm here, she said.

He made the shivering echoes answer with his delight in this, and chirruped to the colt, who pushed forward at a wilder speed, flinging his hoofs out before him with the straight thrust of the horn trotter, and seeming to overtake them as they flew. "I should like this ride to last forever!" "Forever!" she repeated. "That would do for a beginning." "Marsh! What a girl you are!