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It will be an act of charity, like any other.... I hope he is at home," he concluded, hearing the footstep of the servant, who recognized the visitor and who anticipated all questions. "The Marquis went out this morning before eight o'clock. He will not return until dinner-time." "Do you know where he has gone?"

But, after all, he gets up in the morning an hour before me, and eats his dinner after I have retired for the night. He gets no Saturday half- holiday, and my Sabbath is to him as the other days of the week. And so the hard things I have said of him and to him are forgotten, and charity triumphs at the last.

It was plain, even to an idle dreamer like me, that we were living on the charity of our friends, and barely living at that. It was plain, from my father's letters, that he was scarcely able to support himself in America, and that there was no immediate prospect of our joining him.

He always regarded charity as the chief part of useful religion, and thought that men should help each other like brothers, instead of fighting like wild beasts over theology. Erasmus was a contemporary of Luther, and there is an excellent Essay by Mr. Froude on both these great men.

It is not charity to rock and lull our brothers to sleep in the inertia and drowsiness of matter, but rather to awaken them to the uneasiness and torment of spirit. To the fourteen works of mercy which we learnt in the Catechism of Christian Doctrine there should sometimes be added yet another, that of awakening the sleeper.

He answered: "It is not a true man, whole and perfect, but it is the true body of a man, and the body of a true man though dead. Thus, devotion without charity is true, though dead and imperfect. It is true devotion dead and shapeless, but not true devotion living and fully formed.

Who is talking of a child like that? It is for the sake of charity, for the dear love of Christ, that I ask you to do it. Do you ever think of Mary Magdalene?" "Oh yes." "This is no Magdalene. This is a woman led into no faults by vicious propensities. Here is one who has been altogether unfortunate, who has been treated more cruelly than any of whom you have ever read."

It is the only sort of charity which 'blesses twice. All charity, indeed, blesses the receiver; but the blessing promised to the giver, I have sometimes trembled to think, may be forfeited even by a generous mind, from ostentation and parade in the manner, and want of purity in the motive."

And with sacred Death waiting, as it were, at the bed-foot, as an awful witness of his words, the poor dying soul gasped out his last wishes in respect of his family; his humble profession of contrition for his faults; and his charity towards the world he was leaving. Some things he said concerned Harry Esmond as much as they astonished him.

"Good-night," added Dorothy, "and don't forget you are to attend to everything to-morrow while I am in the city. See what it is to be on a charity committee! I'll have to have a substitute help with all the most important things there's heaps to be done yet." "Good nig-h-t!" drawled Tavia with a forced yawn. "I am not sure that I will wake up until the day after Christmas." "To bed!