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I'm very much obleeged to you for stayin'; I hadn't calkerlated to be gone so long. And how does the child seem to be, marm?" "Much better, Mr. Flint. She's come to her reason, and I think, with care, will do well now. Oh, she's awake," he added, seeing Gerty open her eyes. True came to the bedside, stroked back her hair, now cut short, and felt her pulse, and nodded his head satisfactorily.

Jason Day always "calkerlated ter farm it" each year, and he started in good season, too. The soil was rich and most of his small fields were warm and early; but somehow his plans always fell through before the season was far advanced. So neither the farm nor the immediate premises of the old Day house were attractive.

The tooth is still missing and the scar is there as plain as day." "Then he's the gent as we wants to be introduced to," put in one of the other men. "I calkerlated he had left these diggin's fer good," added the third newcomer. "I can try to lead you back to their camp," said Tom, "although I am not altogether sure of the trail.

Besides, we have all earned enough money now to pay for what we need, and expect to send away to-morrow to get our suits," Paul went on; and even while he was talking a bright idea came flashing into his brain. "Wall, now that's jest too bad, boys. I'd calkerlated to spend that hundred on doin' a good deed, an' ye make me go back home with the same hugged tight in my pocket.

Then the steam blew away an' the engine stopped, an' we went on an' left them away out in the ocean, fifteen or twenty miles from here. We calkerlated they'd follow us soon as they could make repairs, so we came on at full speed, to take you on board." "Is everybody safe?" asked Dick. "Yes.

You see, it belonged to pa's mother, and I calkerlated to wear it a lifetime for winter best, but the fashion papers do say shawls are out of it, and this is the only use for them, which Lurella holds. I can't ever take the same comfert in a bindin' sack, noway; and pa, he's that riled about the shawl bein' used to set on, I daren't leave the door open.

"I don't see how you could stand to risk it!" exclaimed Miss Hazy. "Oh, I reckon whatever you got to do, you kin do. I didn't see no other way; so one mornin' I put a old fo-patch quilt over the hoss, tied a bucket of oats on behin' it an' fixed some vittles fer Jim, an' started 'em off. It was a forty-mile ride to the city, so I calkerlated to start Jim so's he'd git to Dr.

We've kep' 'em about Boston till we've got tired of teamin' pork an' wheat to 'em, an' now we're takin' 'em to where the pigs an' wheat grows, to save us money, an' to show 'em the size of the country they calkerlated to overrun. I guess they'll write hum that that job 's a good one to sub-let, after they've hoofed it from Cambridge to Charlottesville."

"Kinder gettin' anxious, heigh? I calkerlated yer 'd find things sorter pukish." "Tush!" retorted Meredith, making a good pretence of confidence. "'T is mostly wind one hears, and 't will be another matter at the poll. I rid over to say that tho' we may not agree in private matters, 't is the business of the gentry to make head together against this madness." "I see," snarled Hennion.

"They are welcome to it; much good may it do 'em. It has gone pretty much where I calkerlated to get it off among those who used me the worst; though I'd some rather it had gone to Fitch, who hunts some, and would be sure to try it." "That is queer reasoning, Bart." "Well, there is a head and tail to it, for all that, Harry." "What are they?"