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"And you calc'late to keep on waitin' fer him to come?" "Until I'm dead and after that, if it's allowed." "I wisht," said Scattergood, "there was suthin' I could do to mend it all." "Nobody kin ever do anythin'," she said.... "But if he should venture back, calc'latin' it had all blown over and been forgot!... His father'd see him put in prison and I I couldn't bear that, it seems as though."

"I was calc'latin' to hev her picter right in the front of my new poultry book," continued the visitor, whom the children now recognized as the distinguished poultry dealer of North Edom for whom Cyrus had once worked. "And I was going to have printed under it, 'From the farm of Abner Kittredge, Esq., Corinna. Be kind of a boom for you 'n' Corinna, too see?

You got to buy, 'cause you can't make arrangements to git in grub before I bring on a famine for you.... And I got the grub stored in warehouses. That's part of it. Second, I'll lease you my river for three years. You wasn't calc'latin' to pay for the use of it. So you be obleeged to pay in advance. I figgered my profits on drivin' at about two thousand this year.

Guess it come from her mother. I 'lows she wus kind o' struck on fool things an' fixin's. Can't blame her noways. Guess I wus mostly sudden them days. Luv ut fust sight is a real good thing when it comes to savin' labor, but like all labor-savin' fixin's, it's liable to git rattled some, an' then ther' ain't no calc'latin' what's goin' to bust."

At the junction Scattergood changed for the short ride to town, and there he carried his ancient valise up to the Mountain House, where he registered. "Young feller named Nixon Ovid Nixon stoppin' here?" he asked the clerk. "Checked out Monday night." "Um!... Monday night, eh? Expect him back? I was calc'latin' on meetin' him here to-day." "He usually gets in Saturday night.... You might ask Mr.

"I s'pose," said Scattergood, "that I've knowed Homer sence he was knee high to a mouse's kitten, and I don't know nothin' about you a-tall. I gather you're calc'latin' on marryin' Homer.... Mebby you be and mebby you hain't.... Depends. Come along." He led the way to the hotel and allowed Yvette to precede him up the stairs to her room, which she unlocked and stood aside for him to enter.

"Well I was calc'latin' to hire out this summer, but I ain't very partic'ler about it, neither." "Can you cook?" "Most kinds. I can't do much fancy cookin'. Guess I can make bread all sorts and roast, and bile, and see to common fixin's, though, as well as the next one!" "We like plain country cooking," said Faith, thinking of Aunt Henderson's delicious, though simple, preparations.

Kind of like to tell somebody the joke." "I'm doggone int'rested," said Scattergood. The rough individual with the gun laughed loudly. "May's well tell you," he said, raucously. "Me and the boys was in town yestiddy, calc'latin' to ship some ferns by express. Went into the office. Agent wa'n't there. Safe was. Open. Ya-as, wide open.

"Hain't calc'latin' to bust the gal, be you?... Jest happened along to say the deacon's been talkin' to your pa about you 'n' her, and your pa's het up consid'able. He's startin' out to look fer you. Lucky I come along, wa'n't it?" "I'm of age," said Homer, aggressively. "Lots is," said Scattergood.

"Wal," replied Tom, as the three took up a comfortable position before the fire, "we started you off on that hunt on purpose to give you a little taste of buffaler huntin', calc'latin' to foller on after ye in the course of an hour or two. Afore we could do so, a war-party of a hundred redskins got right atween us didn't you see 'em?" "No such party as that."